Inheritance of biological and social effects of physical culture and sports on human body: problems and current situation
Professor, Dr.Biol. G.G. Fedotova
Associate professor, PhD M.A. Geras'kina
Associate professor, PhD G.V. Pozharova
Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevev, Saransk
The study explores the priority implications of the idea that the biological and social effects of physical culture and sports are inherited by a human body. It demonstrates that physical practices and mass sports trigger expressed changes in human body and play a special role in the total activity and stamina of modern people being increased. The authors have formulated the following theoretical provisions.
The ongoing efforts to redesign human consciousness by doubting the thinking stereotypes and practical traditions require effective steps being taken to apply the national physical culture and sports for the social and economic progress of the nation.
The proven progress in people’s workability, labour and social activity and the highly valuable intellectual, mental and volitional qualities induced by active physical practices and sports generally contribute to the higher viability and reproductive capacity of the groups actively engaged in the physical practices and sports. Physical training, body tempering, active recreation, amateur sports and fully-fledged competitive sport trainings must always be applied when they are unrestricted by health conditions. It has happened many times in the long history of the Russian nation that in the critical times it found resources inside itself to generate great ideas – often amazingly deep and humane, original in forms and rich in content – to improve the physical, spiritual and ethical health of the nation.
Keywords: biological inheritance, social inheritance, sports, physical education, athlete, motor activity.
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