Multicultural and multiethnic dimensions of special physical culture education (theoretical-methodological aspect)



Associate professor, PhD I.W. Ivanii
Academic-scientific institute of physical culture of Sumy State Makarenko Pedagogical University, Ukraine

Keywords: special physical culture education, multicultural and multiethnic dimensions, culturological paradigm, methodology, integrity of content.

Introduction. Higher education in the beginning of the XXI century is in the condition of innovative searches and changes characterised by continuity, dynamism, and globalisation. It fully refers to the sphere of special physical culture education called for scientific-pedagogical personnel training long for future. However, powerful breakthrough in the sphere of culture and sport in the interpretation of its theoretical educational space, which has taken place in the short time-frame [5], is not supported by sufficient qualitative changes in education and that is why it is getting more and more necessary to update future specialists professional training [4; 6; 7]. Higher physical culture education is called to purposefully fulfil its input in the stable development of humanity, to realise the line of tolerant coexistence of people in the context of multicultural space. Future physical culture and sports specialist training should provide openness to the perception of values of other cultures and simultaneously the ability to be an active representative of national culture. We suppose, that these tasks can be realized under the condition of maintenance of multicultural and multiethnic principles and their dialectical interconnection.

Objective of the research was to analyse multicultural and multiethnic interconnection in the functional change of physical culture education.

Results and discussion. The culturological approach to development of special physical culture education was formed quite boldly. Its main principles are developed in the works of V.K. Bal'sevich, I.M. Bykhovska, E.S. Vil'chkovskiy, T.Y. Krutsevich, L.I. Lubysheva, L.P. Matveyev, Y.M. Nikolaev, E.F. Orekhov, L.P. Sushcheva, B.M. Shiyan et al. Scientists prove that integrity of the content of higher special physical culture education is possible and reasonable only on the culturological basis. As a matter of fact, the conception of culturological bases of higher education content integrity is based on isomorphic identity of education and culture systems, which is reflected in the culture-educational system model [3, p. 20].

According to such an approach the system of culturological conditions modernisation of the special physical culture education content in the cultural context provides: higher special physical culture education content formation in view of historical regularities and peculiarities of the civilisation and culture development, which determine not only definite type of man of culture (intellectual), but also ways of its achievement, embodies in definite projects and technologies; reflection of regularities of (cause-effect) relations in compliance with which not only the level of culture and civilisation development determines the level of education development, but also education is a source of culture and civilisation development, a generator of new culture and civilisation forms; cultivation of the integral unity of moral, social and technological education content components in the system of cognitive-value-regulative coordinates in order that the significance (civilisation paradigm) as well as values and senses (culturological paradigm) form the renovative core of the updated content of physical education; consideration of physical culture education procedural side as a culture act (event), through which significant sociocultural functions are put into effect: means of man's entry into the world of culture, man's socialisation, transmission of culturally formed patterns of human activity.

Multicultural matters are researched more and more logically by D. Benks, A.V. Dzhurynskiy, G.D. Dmitriev and others. Most of scientists believe that multiculturalism is based on the important methodological principle consisting in the fact that a person always stands on the crossing point of many cultures therefore ne can speak about an individual possessing several identities, notably a person is multi-identical. Multicultural education content is interpreted in the context of the rising generation accustoming to ethnic, national and world culture, development on its basis of global consciousness, formation of competence and skill to live in a multinational environment.

Multicultural education is called to create in educational establishments such a favourable atmosphere in which student, independently of his identity, has equal opportunities for his constitutional right realisation, for getting education of equal worth, for realisation of his potential possibilities and social development during training. Nevertheless, multicultural education significance is not limited by it, because it projects a person for future. Thus, multicultural knowledge gained during education work in future as well on the reduction of conflicts in the society, on the tolerance development of all cultural peculiarities, on the creation of conditions which guarantee free choice of identity and ways of his self-actualisation by an individual.

G.V. Vasyanovich, L.V. Volkov, N.E. Miropol'skaya, G.G. Fillipchuk, N.K. Yudina and others have devoted their works to the problems of the multiethnic aspect. Range of scientific interests coincides in the solution of questions of multiethnic self-consciousness, competency, multiethnic personality identification. It is too important in this context that cultural changes, as an effect of multi ethnicity, lead to the universalisation, but not to monotony [2, p. 49].

In the system of special physical culture education under the condition of active integrative processes, the content of physical culture education should be based on the universal achievements as well as on the ethnic national values [7]. Matters of methodology and practice of multinational communication culture formation; ethno-cultural and ethno-pedagogical physical culture and sport traditions of the country (region); psychological-pedagogical theories and models of ethno-cultural space humanisation should be added to the content of physical culture education. We share Y.N. Nikolaev's opinion that “in the beginning of the XXI century there should be a transfer in the sphere of professional and general physical culture education (in compliance with the leading tendencies of general education – intensification of culture forming, humanistic and methodological functions) to the new really culture conformable level of perception of physical culture and sport” [5, p. 99].

Conclusions. Summing up all above-stated we may make conclusions that: firstly, multicultural and multiethnic dimensions determine modern higher special physical culture education; secondly, the interconnection of multicultural and multiethnic components is the main condition of the culturological paradigm realisation in the specialist training in physical culture institutes of higher education. We think that these and other questions require further profound research.


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The problem of dialectical interconnection of multicultural and multiethnic principles in the functional dimension of higher special physical culture education is analysed. We are analysing the concept of culturological bases of special physical culture education content complexity, which is based on isomorphic identity of educational and cultural systems and comprises a system of modernisation of culturological conditions of its content in the context of familiarisation of future specialist with ethnic, national and world culture. It is shown that multicultural education makes it possible to develop tolerance of future specialist, create conditions that ensure his free choice of identity, help in students' socialisation on the basis of person's mastering of the system of national and international values, communication sympathetic skills, which enables us to actualise multicultural interaction and understand other nations. Under the condition of active integrating processes culturological training of future specialists in the sphere of physical culture and sport should be based on universal achievements as well as on ethno-national values. Questions of methodology and practice of international communication culture formation, ethno-cultural and ethno-pedagogical sport traditions of the country and region, psychological and pedagogical theories and models of ethno-cultural dimension humanisation should be added to the physical culture content. We have made a conclusion that multicultural and multiethnic dimensions are the determinants of modern higher special physical culture education, and interconnection of multicultural and multiethnic components is the main condition of the culturological paradigm realisation in the specialists training in physical culture universities.