Physical education of HIV-positive children: inclusion or adaptation?
Associate Professor, PhD N.S. Nikitin
Professor, Dr.Hab. V.K. Pel'menev
Institute of recreation, tourism and physical culture of Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad
The article studies the physical education problems of the HIV-positive children. Generally, inclusion of the HIV-positive children in regular educational environments has always been associated with a variety of multisided problems that are still unresolved. The problems are further complicated by the need in psychological, physiological and sociological tests of the HIV-positive children in the process. The still common stigmatizing and discriminating of the HIV-positive children require special sensitive approaches being applied in their education process. Subject to the study are the opportunities and specific requirements of adaptive and inclusive physical education of the HIV-positive children. The study provides the reasons in favour of inclusive physical education of the HIV-positive children. It is a due teachers’ training for inclusive physical education of the HIV-positive children that must be viewed as a primary HIV-prevention step by the society. Experience of the Kaliningrad Province schools reported in the study may be beneficial for other regions facing a variety of the HIV-related problems. We believe that a national concept of inclusive education of the HIV-positive children needs to be developed in a timely manner.
Keywords: children, HIV, adaptation, inclusion, physical education.
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