Active game effects on motor skill development in mentally retarded pupils
Associate Professor, PhD M.E. Snigur
T.A. Makarova
Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
The article explores the active game effects on the motor skill development in school children diagnosed with mental retardation. Active games are classified by the subject physical qualities in application to the pupils with mental retardation. The study data and analyses of the statistically processed test data arrays found a few regularities both in the Reference Group in its natural development process and in the Study Group exposed to purposeful actions designed to develop the pupils' motor skills. The comparative data analysis showed the Study Group performance rates being significantly better than those of the Reference Group. The active game package developed under the study is recommended for application in the school lessons of physical education to help improve the motor skills in the pupils diagnosed with mental retardation.
Keywords: active games, motor skill development, mentally retarded pupils.
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