Adolescent females' general self-assessment and need for achievements as personal psychological adaptation rating criteria in demand-and-motivation content of physical education curriculum
Associate Professor, PhD E.V. Milyakova-Roman
Professor, Dr.Hab. V.P. Dorgan
Doctoral student M.A. Vashchenko
State University of Physical Education and Sports, Republic of Moldova, Chisinau
The article explores the adolescent female’s psychosocial adaptation mechanisms as verified by the general self-assessment and motivation-for-achievement rates, i.e. the motivation for success and the failure-avoidance motivation. The adapted content of the physical education course included the psychological and educational support for motivating the girls for motor activity in the fitness system and certain physical condition and thereby improve the personal general self-assessment and motivation-for-achievement rates. We used a system of psychological and educational support methods to develop the relevant psychosocial and physical qualities; motivate the subjects for motor activity; and customize the training process content to help form self-respect and cognitive motivations, with the attained improvements in the self-assessment and personal initiative being sustainable. The system gave the means to achieve meaningful progress in the need-for-achievement, i.e. the motivation for success and the failure-avoidance motivation.
Keywords: general self-assessment, need for achievements, psychosocial adaptation, demand-and-motivation content of physical education, fitness system.
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