Educational experiment to improve psychomotor qualities of tennis players



Professor, Dr.Hab., Honoured Figure of Physical Culture V.Y. Ignatieva
Postgraduate Dinh Hung Chyong
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow

Objective of the study was to develop a junior tennis players’ training methodology in application to the Vietnamese young players in the primary specialization stage. The study was based on an educational experiment including a sequence of interrelated physical and technical skill training tools applied in different stages of the training macro-cycle. The junior tennis players were strictly instructed to control the strength and accuracy of the shots. Special exercises were applied to improve the motor control sensitivity and muscular-joint sensations in a wide range of the ball-control skills with variable targets, paces and ball speeds.
High enthusiasm and volitional determination were found to create favourable mental conditions for success in this sport discipline. The progress tests of the 12-13 years-old Vietnamese tennis players of both sexes upon completion of the experiment showed the players making good progress in the mental and emotional control aspects. When the players are trained for the highest sport accomplishments, due attention will be paid to concrete requirements and special training exercises from their first steps in the sport as recommended by the study. 

Keywords: junior tennis players, psychomotor qualities, primary specialization stage.


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