Survey of pupils' attitudes to physical education and All-Russian physical culture and sport complex "Ready for labour and defence" (GTO) under implementation in national education system
Associate Professor, PhD A.V. Fursov1
Professor, Dr.Hab. N.I. Sinyavskiy1
T.A. Tiunova1
K.G. Ivanov2
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
2Gymnasium " Salakhov Laboratory", Surgut
The article presents findings of a sociological survey of 6-7-year schoolchildren to probe their attitudes to the school physical education curriculum and identify the key factors of influence on the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sport Complex “Ready for Labour and Defence” (GTO) revival in the national education system. The motivators for sports and health improvement exercises, as reported by the 6-7-year pupils polled, were dominated by the desires to go in for physical education, sports and tourism; abstain from smoking and alcohol; get rid of other bad habits; and maintain a reasonable diet to avoid overeating and starvation. Furthermore, the study identified the key reasons that prevent the 6-7-year pupils from physical education and sport activity, including the too intensive school workloads, lack of free time and the inconvenient school schedule. The survey of the 6-7-year pupils' attitudes to the GTO Complex and tests gave the following results: 42.7% of the pupils polled reported positive attitudes to the GTO Complex and readiness for the tests; 24.4% were rather positive than not; 25% were neutral in their attitudes; 1.2% were rather negative than not; 3.7% were expressly negative; and 3% responded being unaware of what the GTO Complex means.
Keywords: 6-7-year pupils, pupils' attitudes to physical education and sports, All-Russian Physical Culture and Sport Complex “Ready for Labour and Defence” (GTO) in national education system.
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