Physical culture and sport complex "Ready for labour and defence" (GTO) at educational institutions: implementation prospects
PhD, Master of Sports of the USSR V.A. Romanovich
Oktyabr'sk Secondary School, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District-Yugra, Oktyabr'sky District, Oktyabr'skoe
The article considers the Physical Culture and Sport Complex “Ready for Labour and Defence” (GTO) as an essential basis for the physical education system of the population. The GTO Complex version introduced in September 2014 is subject to a critical analysis and overview, with an emphasis on its ongoing implementation methods. The article discusses the prospects and potential ways for implementation of the GTO Complex in the modern Russian society.
The very idea of the sport tests being fulfilled on a voluntary basis to get a GTO qualification badge as a prize for the progress in sports deserves high attention as such. It could play the role of an extra and associating motivator for the beginner athletes and many other people going in for mass sports. However, the GTO system will unlikely be efficient enough as a sport motivator for the reason that an enthusiasm for sports is the genuine quality of an individual that need to be cultivated in school boys and girls. It is through the physical activity being accepted and appreciated as a lifestyle giving a high priority to training as a self-improvement tool that sports may be efficiently popularized in our country. If the GTO Complex is turned into a “mandatory boredom” dominated by compulsory fitness testes, it may very soon become senseless and unimportant in the eyes of people.
Keywords: Physical Culture and Sport Complex “Ready for Labour and Defence” (GTO), physical education, sports, sport progress, sport culture.
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