Effects of ammonium succinate on aerobic performance of athletes



Dr.Biol., Professor R.V. Tambovtseva
Associate professor, PhD A.I. Laptev
Associate professor, PhD J.L. Voytenko
O.S. Zhumaev
Postgraduate I.S. Walter 
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTsOLIFK), Moscow

Keywords: succinic acid, physical working capacity, oxygen demand, respiratory rate, respiratory ratio, anaerobic threshold, power.


As things now stand in sport science, high priority is being given to the initiatives to find new ergogenic aids to enhance performance (physical working capacity), develop endurance and speed-strength qualities, speed-up the rehabilitation processes, prolong the sport career and protect health of athletes in the training and competitive process. Of much interest in this context are succinic acid and succinates. Metabolites of this group have been subject to many study reports with the most valuable contributions from M.N. Kondrashova and her school [2, 3, 4, 6]. As found by the M.N. Kondrashova’s studies [7], succinic acid shows pronounced anti-oxidation, anti-hypoxic, anti-acidotic and membrane-stimulating effects. The studies have found signal orphanic receptors in vessels being stimulated by molecules of succinic and ketoglutaric acids [8]. High levels of endogenous succinic acid were found to be formed in the human body in a variety of metabolic transformation processes [3, 5]. However, effects of small amounts of succinic acid on metabolic processes are still not clear enough, and the relevant matters are still subject to serious disagreements of biochemists and physiologists. Succinic acid is a relatively weak agent and, hence, the velocities of its filtering through the mitochondria membranes are very low. It is further known that the succinic acid formed in mitochondria is promptly and totally consumed by the mitochondria themselves and never comes out, with the only exclusion for damaged mitochondria. Succinic acid is found in the blood flow only in cases of hypoxic conditions triggered by serious shortage of oxygen. Its appearance in the blood flow will be considered an extreme body response to the shrinkage of energy resources and oxygen starvation [1, 9, 10]. Processes of that kind are normally triggered by strenuous exercise, particularly those under anaerobic conditions. Our study was designed to explore if small doses of ammonium succinate could cause enhancement effects on the aerobic performance rates of athletes and help prevent premature anaerobic glycolytic processes. The anaerobic threshold may be interpreted as a sort of limit or balancing line in the lactic acid formation and evacuation process during exercise. Higher anaerobic threshold promotes higher performance rates within the certain timeframe with no detriment for the mitochondrial health [6].

Objective of the study was to explore the effects of ammonium succinate on the aerobic performance rates in elite athletes.

Methods and structure of the study. The study was performed at the Muscular Activity Bioenergetics Laboratory of the Sport Biochemistry and Bioenergetics Department named after N.I. Volkov; and every experiment under the study was performed at no risk for human health in compliance with the internationally accepted provisions on humanity and ethical standards as provided by the 2000 Helsinki Declaration and EU Directive 86/609. Subject to the experiments were 22 elite athletes including weightlifters, wrestlers, cyclists and football players. A single standard dose of ammonium succinate of 30mg per kilo of body mass was administered per os 30 minutes prior to the cycle egrometer step test “to failure”. (Note that the substance was qualified a food additive and permitted for use by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the RF Decision SanPiN 2.3.2. 1078-01). The study was designed to obtain the athletes’ power rates, work performance time, heart rate, respiratory rates: oxygen consumption, breathing rate, respiratory exchange ratios and oxygen uptake rates. The study data were processed by statistical tools of Statistica 6.0 software toolkit and the Microsoft Excel (2007) standard application analytical tools.

Study results and discussion. Given in Table 1 hereunder are the study data indicative of the performance enhancement effects of ammonium succinate on the examined anaerobic threshold in the cycle egrometer step test “to failure”. The performance rates on the anaerobic threshold (AnT) were obtained using a V-slope method and special software, and by a graphical method based on VE / VO2  and VE/ HR ratios.

Table 1. Effects of ammonium succinate on the performance rates on the anaerobic threshold (n=22)


Prior to succinate administration

After succinate administration



W AnT, W

165,8 +8,01

194,8 + 10



Rel. PWС AnT, W/kg

2,17 + 0,11

2,52 + 0,16



HR AnT, bpm

154 + 6

164 + 5



OC AnT, l/ min

2,14 + 0,09

2,4 + 0,09



Rel. OC AnT, ml/ min/ kg

28 + 1

30 + 1



BR AnT, l/ min

29 + 5

31 + 5




54 + 2

66 + 3




1,01 + 0,02

1,05 + 0,02




5,20 + 0,21

4,74 + 0,13



Note: *difference significance rate is р<0.05

W AnT – power of the anaerobic threshold

Rel. W AnT – relative power of anaerobic threshold

HR AnT – heart rate on the anaerobic threshold

OC AnT – oxygen consumption on the anaerobic threshold

Rel. OC AnT – relative oxygen consumption on the anaerobic threshold

BR – breathing rate on the anaerobic threshold

VE AnT (BTPS) – ventilatory equivalent on the anaerobic threshold

RER – respiratory exchange ratio on the anaerobic threshold

OUR AnT – oxygen uptake rate on the anaerobic threshold

Analysis of the study data showed significant growth of many performance rates on the anaerobic threshold. The succinate preparation was found to enhance performance as verified by the absolute and relative power (W) of the anaerobic threshold growing by 29 W (17.5%) and 0.35 W/ kg (16.1%), respectively. It gives the reasons to assume that the energy potential in the oxidizing-glycolytic muscle fibers grows to enhance the aerobic capacity.

The heart rates (HR) indicative of the cardiovascular system performance were also found to grow after the ammonium succinate administration. Differences between the absolute and relative HR on the anaerobic threshold in the Reference Group (2.3 l/ min and 28.6 ml/ min/ kg, respectively) versus that in the Study Group (2.7 l/ min and 33.8 ml/ min/ kg, respectively) were rated as significant. Furthermore, the absolute and relative oxygen consumption (OC) rates showed significant (р<0.05) growth after the succinate administration by 0.26 l/ min (12.2%) and 2 ml/ min/ kg (7%), respectively. It should be noted that the external respiration function was tested to increase insignificantly (by 2 breaths only), albeit the ventilatory equivalent was found to grow by 12 l/ min that means the 22% growth as a result of the ammonium succinate administration.

Furthermore, the respiratory exchange ratio (RER) as a ratio of carbon dioxide production and oxygen consumption was found to grow by 4%. When RER grows by more than one, it is believed to occur due to the “non-metabolic” carbon dioxide being produced as a result of anaerobic glycolysis being activated and hydrogen ions (Н+) inflow to the blood being neutralized to produce carbon dioxide. The excessive “non-metabolic” carbon dioxide forces the ventilatory equivalent (VE) to grow and, hence, the breathing system efficiency to fall. Therefore, the VE may be indirectly indicative of the anaerobic glycolysis process activation. Our study results show that the ammonium succinate administration effectively defers activation of the anaerobic glycolysis process. The oxygen uptake rate (OUR) on the anaerobic threshold was found to significantly drop by 8.9% that may be interpreted as indicative of the improved oxygen assimilation ability of the body with the expiratory oxygen being decreased.

Given in Table 2 hereunder are the maximal aerobic performance rates of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems achieved in the step test prior to and after the ammonium succinate administration.

Table 2. Maximal aerobic performance rates prior to and after the ammonium succinate administration (n=22)


Prior to succinate administration

After succinate administration




258,3 + 10,7

266,4 + 12,2



Rel. W MOC, W/ kg

3,41 + 0,21

3,45 + 0,23



MOC, l/ min

3,23 + 0,13

3,32 + 0,13



Rel. MOC, l/ min/ kg

43 + 2

43 + 2



BR MOC,  1/ min

45 + 4

48 + 3




117 + 5

131 + 5



HR, bpm

187 + 5

190 + 4




3,69 + 0,11

3,37 + 0,14




1,25 + 0,02

1,28 + 0,04



АТ % VО2 max

67 + 2

73 + 2



Work performance time, s

686 + 36

714 + 31



Note: *difference significance rate is р<0.05

W MOC – power at maximum oxygen consumption

Rel. W MOC – relative power at maximum oxygen consumption

MOC – maximal oxygen consumption

BR – breathing rate

VE MOC (BTPS) – ventilatory equivalent rate at maximum oxygen consumption

HR – heart rate

OC – oxygen consumption (MOC)

RER – respiratory exchange ratio

АТ % VО2 max - maximal oxygen consumption on anaerobic threshold

OUR – oxygen uptake rate

The step test under the study was designed for the athletes to perform the work “to failure”, and the experiment showed the work performance time growth trend. The group average work performance time was found to increase by 28 seconds (4%).

The absolute and relative power showed some increase after the administration of ammonium succinate, albeit the differences were rated insignificant. At the same time, the absolute power (W) showed a significant (р<0.05) growth by 2.8%, whilst the relative power (W) stayed at the same level. The maximal HR showed a growth trend. External respiration function rate showed the same trend as the rates on the anaerobic threshold: the respiratory exchange ratio (RER) insignificantly increased by 3 breaths, and the ventilatory equivalent (VE) was tested to significantly grow by 14 l/ min that means a 12% growth as a result of the ammonium succinate administration. Due to the oxygen consumption rise on the anaerobic threshold with the power being stable, the oxygen consumption percentage was found to significantly (р<0.05) increase versus the maximal oxygen consumption rate by 9%.

The study data demonstrated the oxygen uptake rate (OUR) being significantly reduced by 8.7% that may be interpreted as of the improved oxygen assimilation ability of the body with the expiratory oxygen being decreased.


  • A single dose of ammonium succinate was found to enhance the elite athletes’ aerobic performance.
  • Administration of ammonium succinate was tested to significantly enhance the absolute and relative power on the anaerobic threshold.
  • Ammonium succinate was found to cause a deferring effect on the anaerobic glycolysis processes.
  • The work performance time in the standard tests showed a growth trend.
  • Due to the oxygen consumption rise on the anaerobic threshold with the MOC being stable, the oxygen uptake rate was found to significantly increase versus the maximal oxygen consumption.


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Objective of the study was to explore using a cycle egrometer step tests effects of ammonium succinate on the aerobic performance rates in elite athletes specialized in a variety of sport disciplines. The study was performed at the Muscular Activity Bioenergetics Laboratory of the Sport Biochemistry and Bioenergetics Department named after N.I. Volkov. Every experiment under the study was performed at no risk for human health in compliance with the internationally accepted provisions on humanity and ethical standards as provided by the 2000 Helsinki Declaration and EU Directive 86/609. Subject to the experiments were 22 elite athletes including weightlifters, wrestlers, cyclists and football players. The study was designed to obtain the athletes’ performance rates, work performance time, heart rates, oxygen demand rates, respiratory rates, lung ventilation rates, respiratory ratios and oxygen utilization rates. The study has demonstrated a single administration of ammonium succinate being of a positive ergogenic impact on the aerobic performance rates of the elite athletes. The ammonium succinate administration was found to enhance performance as verified by the significant growths of the absolute and relative power rates, work performance time, oxygen consumption rates and ventilatory equivalent rates on the anaerobic threshold.