Organizational and methodological conditions for promotion of healthy lifestyle among students



Professor, Dr.Hab. S.G. Dobrotvorskaya
Kazan Federal University, Institute of Psychology and Education, Kazan

Keywords: student, healthy lifestyle, educational technology.

Introduction. In the last decade of the last century due to the course of the social and economic development of Russia that implied the transition to the market economy the ideological component of education was weakened, if not destroyed. As a result, we got a revaluation of social values, an erosion of moral values, focus on pragmatism and mercantilism as success criteria, social apathy and indifference to the fate of the motherland. The crisis can be seen in the society by the negative trends in health status and lifestyle among young people.

The factors that affect human health are the following: health is 60% dependent on lifestyle, 20% - on genetics, 15-20% - on ecological situation, and only 8-10% - on health care institutions [5]. First of all, health barriers occur due to bad habits.

Bad habits among both young and adult people are connected with a number of personal and socio-economic reasons such as imitative behavior, the desire to pretend an adult, curiosity, the need to be «one of the peer group», the desire for independence, attempts to have fun and so on. Certain individual body characteristics together with some social and psychological factors can contribute to fixing bad habits in young people. Some physiological features and psychological factors also contribute to bad habits being consolidated among young people [2].

In order to prepare students for leading a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to systematically perform orientation activities in higher educational establishments, using all possible educational methods and means. These methods and means of pedagogical orientation depend much on its content. It gives an answer to the question: «What is to be taught to students?». The content of the orientation activity should correspond to its goals [1]. Each goal, for example, nutrition education, should have the corresponding content; in the mentioned example, that is information on a balanced diet. Such content units can be studied at lectures and practical lessons. So the orientation activities should correspond to curricula of various subjects and plans for intra- and inter-university sporting events. One can represent a technique used to introduce students into a healthy lifestyle as some activity realized at the level of the effective functioning of pedagogical orientation of students toward a healthy lifestyle.

Therefore the objective of this study was to justify the organizational and methodological conditions for the realization of a system of pedagogical orientation of students toward a healthy lifestyle.

Research methods and structure. In 2015 we conducted an anonymous survey of Law students in Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (KFU). A special questionnaire was designed for that. 324 students (160 girls and 164 boys) were surveyed. The findings revealed the insufficiency of substantive, organizational, methodological, and procedural issues of the current solution to the problem of facilitation of healthy lifestyle among students in theory, as well as their fragmentary and nonconsecutive use in practice.

Results and discussion. The following data were obtained: only 6% of KFU students identified themselves as healthy people, 12% believed they are not healthy. Students complained, first of all, of issues in the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems. Some students were concerned about frequent colds, while others noted poor vision. No one admitted alcohol abuse, but 50% of students admitted they consumed alcohol at parties and discos, and 15% of Law students at KFU admitted to smoking. This percentage is less than that obtained in previous years. The situation in KFU has improved in comparison to results of the questionnaire conducted in 2000. It is the fad right now to be healthy, and many students are proud that they are leading a healthy lifestyle. However, there are not so many of them. The next question was: «Do you smoke hookah if you are offered one?», and 48% of students answered affirmatively.

It is necessary to note that KFU students are not completely aware of drugs. Thus, in 2015, 14% of students assumed the existence of drugs without addiction, while 4% of students appeared to be completely ignorant in this subject. However, at present time the situation in KFU is better than in the last years. Thus, for example, in 2000, 68% of Journalism students believed some drugs can be harmless, and 16.5% of students had tried drugs at least once; now this quantity equals 12%. Though the situation at KFU is much better now, it became even worth «outside» the university. One has to be very resistant to the negative influence of the society. Thus, in 2000 nearly 38% of students were offered to try drugs, and now this percentage equals 42%. About 36% of KFU students have addicts among their friends. Responds to some questions demonstrated students are well aware of certain issues; namely, 26% of Law students knew where to buy drugs and approximate prices.

As is well known, it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Unfortunately, now it costs much more to stay healthy than to treat a disease. Thus, 48% of KFU students admitted they were not regularly going in for sports. Many of them wished they had physical education as one of academic subjects at the 4th and 5th  years of study; and they would be happy to have well equipped and more accessible gyms to do sports (34% of students have to pay for visiting sport sections).

The system-target approach to promotion of healthy lifestyle among students should imply the revision of all components of the university system of orientation of students toward a healthy lifestyle. Such a system can be realized under the following organizational and methodological conditions.

First of all it is necessary to arrange regular health-promotion seminars for faculties and supervisors with leading experts in organization of preventive work being invited. It is better to involve all university faculties in preventive work but not only the teachers of the academic subjects connected with promotion of healthy lifestyle among students. It is necessary to train them on a regular basis in the «round table» format to facilitate valuable information exchange and introduction of innovations [3].

It is necessary to make healthy lifestyle accessible for students and to make unhealthy one inaccessible. This can be facilitated by opening special student clubs and providing conditions for them to go in for sports. It is necessary to eliminate the causes of bad habits and control students’ lifestyle.

Since young people need to be active, it is necessary to facilitate this process in universities. Students need proper physical load, so physical education lessons should be complex and help develop different physical qualities. Students can exercise in a university or be engaged in self-training sessions like fitness classes or sport clubs and morning exercises. Modern equipment available in gyms also helps students lead a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to provide modern equipment and sports inventory for gyms in sport centers and in student dormitories.

It is important to improve students' physical fitness, namely, their physical development and sports indicators in a chosen sport. It is necessary to properly form academic sport groups, to develop physical education programs both for healthy students and those with health issues (special health group students).

Students should be developed not only physically but also intellectually. So a comfortable, highly moral, educational environment should be provided in a university. Students should give priority to the «health» value in their personality value structure. This implies studying the structure of meanings of life, objectives, and values of students, as well as the whole content of higher education with the values of health and moral education of students being of paramount importance.

The media, namely, university TV, radio centers, newspapers, etc, can be among the means of psychological influence on students. It is important to provide a proper interaction of these media as a well-organized system.

It is also important to organize the scientific research activity of students in various aspects of a healthy lifestyle. It is desirable to publish interesting papers and reports prepared by students in the university editions, to launch new columns and expand existing ones, to publish interesting materials at websites which are popular among students.

It is possible to use means of visual propaganda, to organize poster, drawing, and photography contests related with students' healthy lifestyle promotion. These materials should be available at university campuses and students’ recreation zones. It is necessary to form a certain fund of methodological techniques for promotion of healthy lifestyle among students, to collect all necessary materials, including health promotion brochures, in university libraries.

It is desirable to create associations of students willing to improve their health and to train them for work in health groups among the population (this course should be certified as the second higher education). A job in these health groups should be guaranteed for the best students.  It is necessary to promote student activists, i.e., group leaders, trade union organizers, sport and culture leaders, to carry out regular training of student activists on the basis of university meeting rooms and computer labs. Moreover, it makes sense to give these students some practical tasks implying information search, computer tests, pedagogics, psychoprophylaxis and health psychology lessons.

The university curriculum should include subjects that promote healthy lifestyle among students. The goal of such subjects is to develop a positive attitude to healthy lifestyle and a system of approved values, socially relevant standards and, first of all, the value "health". It is important to develop a positive attitude for health protection among young people, to strengthen their personalities, and to teach them self-possession and self-control techniques.

It is important to prevent excessive stress among students during study. It is necessary to have centers and services which would ensure that students' academic load is adequate to their capabilities, reveal and correct pre-disease states. Teachers, psychologists, and physicians should join their efforts in solving these problems. The health resort treatment system for students needs to be improved.

Conclusion. Thus, promotion of healthy lifestyle among students can be realized under the following organizational and methodological conditions: advanced training for orientation of teachers toward healthy lifestyle, students and faculties’ health activities, active involvement of students and faculties in sports, orientation of all actors of the educational process toward intellectual self-development, creation of a university environment contributing to healthy lifestyle among both students and staff, curricula updating by introducing subjects that enhance the value of healthy lifestyle, research activities, and so on.


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The relevance of our research is connected with the fact that the situation with the youth health in Russia leaves much to be desired. The main reason for it is the unhealthy lifestyle of young people. The goal of this paper consists in justification of organizational and methodological conditions for the realization of a system of pedagogical orientation of students toward a healthy lifestyle. The main technique we used for studying this problem was questionnaire survey; which revealed the situation of pernicious habits among young people. The analysis of questionnaire results demonstrated the insufficiency of substantive, organizational, methodological, and procedural issues of the current solution to the problem of orienting students toward a healthy lifestyle in theory, as well as their fragmentary and nonconsecutive use in practice. The research involved students of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University. In this paper we highlight health barriers, analyze factors that stimulate the willingness of students to lead a healthy lifestyle, develop a technology for stimulating students to leading a healthy lifestyle, and describe the substantial side of guidance activities in the university that stimulate students to personal health improvement and self-development. We also justify various types of guidance activities, propose certain ways to optimize organizational and methodological support of the educational system. Results obtained in this paper can be of interest both to administration and faculty of higher educational establishments and students.