Physical Education in educational institutions of Ukraine: problems and solutions
PhD, Professor, Honoured coach of Ukraine, Honoured Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine S.I. Belykh
Donetsk National University, Ukraine
Abstract. The article examines positive and negative effects of physical education classes held twice a week in comprehensive schools, technical colleges and higher educational institutions of Ukraine, as well as the content of these classes and proposals of certain effective methodologies in dealing with the qualitative recreation of student youth.
The most complex and pressing tasks of scholars dealing with the problems of physical education are development and theoretical substantiation of the structure and content of general and higher education in the sphere of physical culture, relying on the modern technologies, based not on “prevailing” of education over training and vice versa, but on balancing the impact both on motor and intellectual components of physical culture of students’ personality.
It is suggested to focus the further researches on updating the methods of physical education aimed at harmonious development of students’ personality.
Keywords: physical education, research, effective methods.
Introduction. To successfully address these problems there should be rather clear conception of the essence of their basic causes and formation of clear ideas on how to solve them.
At first glance, the nature of the problems is quite clear: poor material resources, insufficient quantity of classes etc. However, on closer examination, it turns out that there are more serious reasons. These include, first of all, the lack of clear understanding of what we want from university and school physical education, which makes it impossible to agree on what physical education should be like in educational institutions. As a result, many people have quite different, even opposite conceptions.
Here the trouble is that we find ourselves as the “protagonists” of the well-known fable pulling the “cart” not just in different directions, but in different hardly compatible “environments” (educational, training, recreational).
Objective of the study was to analyze the methods of recreation of students by means of physical culture.
Results and discussion. The foundation of any education (including physical) is assimilation of knowledge, ways of cognition. Solution to this task in the educational institutions is performed by teaching basic general disciplines inclusive of the subject “Physical Education”. Elimination of theoretical material from its content deprives the main function of this subject – educational.
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