Health and fitness technology to prevent respiratory disorders
Dr.Hab., professor V.L. Kondakov
Associate professor, PhD E.N. Kopeykina
PhD N.V. Balysheva
Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
Keywords: health and fitness technology, motor activity, breathing exercises, students.
Introduction. Nowadays, the most relevant objectives of the physical education system in higher education institutions are: to increase the level of somatic health and motor activity of students, to instill in them the need for regular physical training (including individual physical training), to determine the most effective ways of implementation in the structure of educational programs of types of motor activity that would be attractive to students. All this stresses the relevance of our study and indicates the need for the development and implementation in the modern university educational environment of new health and fitness technologies (HFT), which on the one hand contribute to the development and improvement of the basic physical qualities, formation of the basic motor skills, health promotion, on the other hand – provide optimal operating conditions for the functional systems of the body involved in the maintenance of the high level of students’ mental and physical working capacity.
The tendency to deterioration of health of students makes it relevant to develop and implement in the university educational environment modern health technologies, which are based on the integrated use of biomedical, psychological and pedagogical tools and means of motor activity of system-selective nature.
Objective of the study was to scientifically substantiate and experimentally verify the health and fitness technology to prevent respiratory disorders, which had been designed based on the synthesis of the most effective means of recreational physical education by integration of information about the direction of their impact within the university educational environment.
Materials and methods. The scientific substantiation of the content of HFT to prevent respiratory disorders was based on the following criteria: the content of HFT should have an integrated health-promotion effect, and contribute primarily to the improvement of the respiratory functions, an increase of vital capacity, thoracic mobility, restoration of the airway conductance; the means and methods of HFT are to help restore physical and mental capacity, relieve nervous and emotional tension; the content of motor activity should be based, on the one hand, on the exercises that would be of interest to those involved, on the other - exercises as part of HFT must exclude the possibility of injury and to be easy to perform [5, 8].
The conducted analytical studies revealed that the most popular types of motor activity that meet the above requirements are: jogging combined with walking [1], athletic gymnastics [3, 4], swimming [4, 10, 6], sport and outdoor games [7]. A positive effect on the indicators of the respiratory system (RS) was observed in the groups of students involved in breathing exercises [9, 2]. All these types of motor activity should be used as an additional means of physical education when training students with respiratory disorders.
It should be noted that as the basic assets composing the content of the developed HFT to prevent respiratory disorders we used: graduated healthy walking (used in the preparatory part of the training session as warming up; during independent physical training - as a means of increasing of motor activity and psychophysiological condition of students); breathing exercises according to A.N. Strel'nikova and G. Childers (used in the main part of the session as the main means of correction of the functional state of RS of students; during independent physical training - as a means of increasing motor activity and psychophysiological condition of students); therapeutic swimming (used during independent physical training as a means of improving the motor activity of students); outdoor and sports games, relay race (used in the main part of the training session as a means of active rest to relieve tension, lift the spirits, improve activity and psychophysiological condition of students); exercises aimed at the development of the basic physical qualities – integrated training (used in the main part of the session with due regard to the medical contraindications for students with RS disabilities in order to increase their level of physical fitness and psychophysiological condition); conditioning exercises (used in the preparatory part of the sessions with due regard to the recommendations for individuals with respiratory disorders as warming up to prepare the body of students for the upcoming loads); stretching exercises and relaxation exercises (used in the final part of the training session in order to restore the body of students after exercise).
The pilot approbation of the experimental HFT to prevent respiratory disorders was designed for 12 regular physical education classes conducted two times a week excluding independent physical training of students of the basic training department. The studied HFT was tested by two groups of subjects - the group of boys and the group of girls.
The findings indicate that students’ physical development was not influenced much by the experimental HFT. At the same time, we may note some positive changes in the group of boys in terms of the chest excursion (CE) and vital capacity (VC) indices, which are significant indicators of the functional state of RS. The experimental HFT had on the whole a positive effect on the physical fitness of the testees. It should be emphasized that in both groups there was a significant increase of the overall endurance (the time demonstrated by girls during the 2000 m run and that demonstrated by boys during the 3000 m run), as well as an increase in the values of shoulder strength indices, speed, flexibility, ability to maintain balance. Moreover, in both groups the time to cover the 50 m swimming distance reduced, which testifies to an integrated improvement of the level of development of physical qualities.
Upon the implementation of the experimental HFT there was also positive dynamics in the functional fitness of students. In the group of boys we registered significant improvement of the overall state of the cardiorespiratory system (according to the Skibinskaya’s index). There was an insignificant increase in the mean values of both groups in terms of the aerobic capacities of the body (Stange’s test), vegetative parameters (orthostatic test and Kerdo index), physical working capacity (step-test).
The calculation of indices characterizing the level of somatic health proved an overall positive effect of the experimental HFT on the state of health of the testees. In both of the groups there was an increase in the mean values of vital capacity, Robinson index, heart rate recovery time after moderate exercise. All these are important indicators of the functional state of RS. The total point characterizing the level of somatic health increased insignificantly in both groups, at the same time it remained within the "below average" scope.
The pilot approbation of the new HFT to prevent respiratory disorders showed an overall positive impact of the experimental HFT on the studied indicators of students’ somatic health. However, the initial variant of HFT did not have the expected effect on the following indicators: vital capacity, chest excursion, breath holding time tests (Genche’s and Stange’s tests).
We assume that poor effectiveness of the experimental HFT may be due to a small number of aerobic exercises, lack of daily tempering procedures, partial mastering of the recommended sets of breathing exercises, as well as due to the fact that the time allotted for the approbation was limited. In this view, the following modifications were made in the original variant of HFT to prevent respiratory disorders: healthy walking was included in students’ daily independent physical training; in the absence of medical contraindications, daily therapeutic swimming was recommended; daily (evening) hydrotherapeutic procedures were recommended; these training sessions include all breathing exercises.
Results and discussion. The modifications made were proved effective in the course of the common educational experiment. The analysis and synthesis of the data obtained during the experiment indicate that: the modified variant of HFT had on the whole a positive effect on students’ physical development – there was a significant increase in the values of chest excursion and vital capacity in both of the groups; it made positive impact on students’ physical fitness, too: in both of the groups we observed a significant increase in the abdominal strength and flexibility indices; in the group of girls - a complex manifestation of all physical qualities; in the group of boys - the static force of the leg muscles, endurance, ability to coordinate movements. The functional fitness of students was mostly influenced by the modified variant of HFT: in both groups the aerobic capacities of the body, as well as physical working capacity, improved significantly; vegetative indicators and the overall condition of the cardiorespiratory system enhanced; in the group of girls there was a significant increase of anoxia tolerance. In addition, in both of the groups we registered economization of the functions of the myocardium and stabilization of blood pressure. The use of the modified variant of HFT resulted in a significant gain in students’ somatic health: in the group of boys - from "below average" to "average"; in the group of girls - it remained within the "below average" scope.
Conclusions. In summary, it may be concluded that our study resulted in the development of HFT to prevent respiratory disorders based on the synthesis of the most effective means of recreational physical education by integration of information about the direction of their impact. In this regard, the given HFT is characterized mainly by its focus on the solution of the specific problems of rehabilitation in accordance with the individual characteristics of the contingent involved. In particular, this technology allows to introduce its content and orientation as an integral means used to increase the functional abilities of the body and provide high efficiency of the educational process by balancing the effects of respiratory disorders.
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The widespread tendency to deterioration of health of students makes it relevant to develop and implement in the university educational environment modern health technologies, which are based on the integrated use of biomedical, psychological and pedagogical tools and means of motor activity of system-selective nature. The article deals with scientific approaches to the justification of the content and direction of health and fitness technology, intended to prevent respiratory abnormalities.