Structural and dynamic characteristics of students’ value attitude toward introduction of All-Russian Ready for Labour and Defence Sport Complex
Dr.Hab. A.A. Pashin
Postgraduate A.M. Vasilyeva
Penza State University, Penza
Keywords: value attitude toward Russian Ready for Labour and Defence Sport Complex (RLD), components of value attitude.
Introduction. In order to further improve the state policy in the sphere of physical education and sports, the creation of an effective physical education system aimed at human development and health promotion, the All-Russian Ready for Labour and Defence Sport Complex (RLD) was enacted by the Decree of President Vladimir Putin dated September 01, 2014 as the program and regulatory framework of physical education of the population.
The main goals and objectives of its implementation are enhancement of efficiency of the potential of physical education and sport in promoting health, harmonious and all-round development of an individual, cultivating patriotism and public spirit and promotion of healthy lifestyle.
Today, the Regulation on the All-Russian Sport Complex has been drafted, consisting of the regulatory-and-test part, which includes 11 levels for different age groups, types of tests and standards for three levels of difficulty, corresponding to gold, silver and bronze badges, knowledge and skill rating requirements, the guidance on the organization of the tests, the recommendations for a weekly motoring mode. Tests have been carried out in fifteen regions of the Russian Federation and the results have been validated.
However, the further success of the RLD implementation will depend not only on the efforts of the organizers, but also on the extent and nature of the relationship of different segments of the population and, above all, the students to this innovation. If we consider that 60% of the students do not know about “the nature of the tests included into the RLD”, 34.25% of them believe the RLD to be “another ill-conceived stunt” and 51.51% of the students “will wriggle out of participation in the RLD competition” [6], then the study of the characteristics of the students’ attitudes toward the RLD is very relevant, since the identification of the patterns will allow purposefully influence its formation. It should be noted that starting the research of the value attitude toward the RLD, we proceed from the fact that the RLD complex as a program and regulatory framework of the Russian system of physical education is the most important value of physical education and, in anyway, includes everything valuable in its content: intellectual, technological, motor, intentional, mobilization, and valeological characteristics, etc. [4, 7]. Preparation and participation in the implementation of the RLD standards can be regarded as a means of promoting health, and one of the values of a healthy lifestyle as an instrumental value [9].
Methods and structure of the research. The methodological basis of the study is the concept of person’s subjective attitudes, according to which the actions and deeds of a person are due to his current system of subjective attitude toward the objects and phenomena of the world, providing the productivity of any activity [1, 5].
We have developed the RLD attitude index test, which is a modification of the health attitude index test and allows determining the intensity of the relationship of the following components: perceptual-affective, cognitive, practical and action components [2].
The perceptual-affective component reflects the degree of relationship toward the content of the RLD in the emotional sphere, i.e., how sensitive a person is to the aesthetic aspects of physical education and sport, and if he is able to enjoy doing exercises, tests, and attributes of the complex, etc.
The cognitive component shows a person’s attitude extent toward the knowledge in the field of physical education and sport, provided by the RLD, the methodological knowledge for the complex standards introduction, whether he is passive or active.
The practical component shows the extent of a person’s relation to practical training in physical education and sports, if he is ready to join physical exercises and preparation for the complex tests.
The action component shows how a man is committed by his actions in accordance with his attitude, trying to change the environment, influence the attitude of others to the introduction of the RLD, to involve them in the implementation of the complex program.
The intensity index is obtained by summing the intensity points of the four scales. It reveals the attitude toward the implementation of the Ready for Labour and Defence Complex, the force with which it manifests itself.
A total number of 900 students majoring in humanities and technical sciences from Penza State University took part in the research.
The intensity parameter having the greatest interest in the subjective assessment of the relationship, first we studied the structure of the intensity changing in the dynamics of its development. To do this, the surveyed 1-3 year students (n=900) were divided into three conventional groups. The medium group included those whose performance had the intensity ratio in the range of M±1.5σ; the active group included those whose performance exceeded M+1.5σ; the group of indifferent included those whose performance was lower than M−1.5σ. Since Maver .= 35.298±0.374, the first (medium) group consisted of students who scored 19 to 52 points (n=602); the group of active students consisted of those whose intensity index was ≥53 points (n=142); the group of indifferent students included those who scored ≤18 points on the intensity scale (n=156). The differences between the averages of the corresponding scales in the groups with low, medium and high intensity are statistically significant at p<0.01 by t-Student criterion.
The structure of the intensity components of the attitude toward the RLD in groups with different development levels is shown in Fig. 1.
Results and discussion. The chart shows, the group of indifferent students to the RLD introduction the maximum level, characteristic of perceptual-affective (emotional) component, is 4.44. The level of cognitive (3.39), practical (1.66) and especially action (1.53) component is much lower. The coherence (the components balance) K=2.91 is low.
Fig. 1. The structure of the intensity components of the attitude toward the RLD in groups with different levels
Thus, the low level attitude toward the complex is mostly of emotional character and the low necessity for practical action, poor cognitive, and organizing competitive activity.
In the group with the medium attitude toward the RLD, there is a tendency to gain the greatest cognitive component, as compared to the previous group, it rose by 6.23 points and is close to the emotional component. The gain in practical and action components is also significant (6.1 and 5.8 points, respectively). This attitude is not only emotional, but informative as well. The coherence is at a low level (K=2.47) as of the group with a low level of attitude toward the introduction of the complex. In the group of activists the structure continues to qualitatively change: the cognitive and practical components become the leading ones, the perceptual-affective component falls to the third place, the action component along with the cognitive one has the highest increase (7.21 and 6.3 points, respectively) during the transition from the medium to the high intensity. The intensity structure becomes balanced (K=1.38). In this group, the attitude starts being cognitive and practical, and becomes evident not only in learning but also in the organizational activity, which allows talking about the ethical nature of the attitude (Table 1). The high coherence indicates that the attitude becomes a guideline, which is expressed in the readiness to perform certain activities in relation to the object [3, 8], i.e., the readiness for the RLD.
Table 1. The average value of the attitude components toward the RLD complex in groups with different levels of intensity
Intensity, M±m |
Attitude intensity components |
Coherence |
Perceptual- affective |
Cognitive |
Practical |
Action |
Low (n=156) 11,01±0.271 |
4.44±0.015 |
3.39±0.015 |
1.66±0.015 |
1.53±0.015 |
Medium (n=602) 34.51±0.218 |
9.80±0.053 |
9.62±0.053 |
7.6±0.053 |
7.33±0.053 |
High (n=142) 60.99±0.303 |
14.89±0.128 |
15.92±0.128 |
15.63±0.128 |
14.54±0.128 |
The figures in Table 1 indicate that, during the development of the attitude from the low to the high level, its structure has changed dramatically: the emotions are gradually losing their dominant importance, and the other components acquire a leading role in the characterization of the attitude.
The development of the attitude from the low to the medium level is determined, above all, by the cognitive component, and the transition from the medium to the high level is identified by the practical and action components.
With a high level of intensity the attitude has informative and practical character, with the interest and awareness of the importance of exercises to achieve the desired result of the RLD standards, resulting in organizing activities, i.e. the ethical type of activity in the sphere of physical education and the readiness to participate in the RLD.
Conclusions. Thus, the development of the attitude toward the RLD complex, establishing the state requirements for physical fitness, and comprising the preparation and actual execution of the established state standards, changes its qualitative structure, improves the coherence of the intensity components, which inevitably leads to a change in the nature of the attitude from the emotional to the cognitive and practical one.
This research allows developing a strategy for the formation of a positive attitude towards the RLD due to the need for the initial impact on the emotional sphere of a personality, with a further shift of emphasis on the cognitive and the transition to the practical activity.
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Analysis of structural and dynamic characteristics of the students’ value attitude toward the introduction of the All-Russian Ready for Labour and Defence Sport Complex (RLD) is given in the paper. Objective of the research was to examine the structure of the intensity of students’ value attitude toward the introduction of the RLD Complex, its change in the attitude development from the lowest to the highest level, and to define the strategy of pedagogical influence in the formation of the value attitude toward the RLD Complex on this basis. The concept of person’s subjective attitudes was used as a methodological basis of the research, according to which the actions and deeds of a person are due to his current system of subjective attitudes toward the objects and phenomena of the world, ensuring productivity of any activity. The average strength of the students’ attitude toward the RLD Complex, its structure in the groups with low, average and high-level attitudes are defined on the basis of empirical data. Comparative analysis of these indicators revealed dominant components in the attitude structure that contribute to emotional, cognitive and practical attitudes, made it possible to establish regularities in the dynamics of perceptual-affective, cognitive, practical and action components of the value attitude toward the RLD Complex and develop a strategy for pedagogical influences on its formation.