Innovative professional training methods in higher military educational institutions
Professor, Dr.Hab. V.L. Pashuta1
Professor, Dr.Med. T.I. Vikhruk1
Associate Professor, Dr.Hab. E.N. Kur'yanovich1
Professor, Dr.Hab. A.A. Greshnykh2
1Military Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg University of State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, St. Petersburg
Keywords: creativity, talent, physical culture, health.
Introduction. Researchers pay considerable attention to the problems of improvement of vocational education system [2, 8, 11, 13]. At the current stage of society’s development, the university graduates face the need to show their competitive abilities, high competency and creativity. They should acquire all these qualities whilst studying in a university. New requirements to the modern generation of specialists are reflected in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “Concerning Education” and in the Federal State Educational Standard of the third generation, among which the most important is to bring up a creative individual able to make unusual decisions, create and implement fresh ideas.
Objective of the study was to define pedagogical criteria for detecting talented young people and to create favorable conditions for their development in a military sport university.
Results and discussion. In recent years, endowment has become a matter of increased interest of researchers [2, 5]. Endowment is regarded as a mental quality, which determines the possibility for a man to achieve better results in certain activities compared to other people [12].
Talent is a result of inborn abilities and social environment where human activity is manifested.
The problem of talent is closely connected with the development of individual creativity as a common capacity for creative work. The term “creativity” is used to refer to the intellectual processes that lead to unique and new solutions, ideas, theories (A.N. Bobrov, O.G. Vlasova, 2006).
The concept of creativity became popular after the publications of J.P. Guilford [4], who considered creativity as a combination of ease and sensitivity in finding problem, agility, flexibility, originality in solving it, out-of-the-box thinking and rich imagination, ability for creative inspiration.
F. Barron, D. Harrington [14] note that creativity is the ability to create something new, adaptively respond to the need for new approaches and products. According to the authors, this process can be completely or partially unconscious.
According to I.A. Malakhova [10], the process of creativity development assumes gradual progress from a less high to a higher level of manifestation of human creative qualities. This process is determined by sociocultural canons, age sensitivity, individual disposition to certain activities, human inclinations and abilities.
L.I. Eremina [6] determines 4 levels of formation of students’ creativity: reproductive, constructive, variative and productive. According to the author, reproductive level is the lowest level of creativity, characterized by student’s inactivity, not striving for independent creative performance, using the strategy of giving ready answers to the questions. Constructive level is characterized by inconsistent manifestation of creative abilities, variative – shows average indices of creativity, productive refers to high creativity.
Therefore, modern educational institutions face a task of targeted formation of creativity of gifted students as a necessary condition for their development and formation. This fully concerns the universities of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. S.E. Averiyanov [1] points out that it is impossible to train a professional officer thinking out of the box and acting in a challenging environment, ready to flawlessly fulfill his military duty, without creative approach applied by each teacher.
Higher military educational institutions are distinguished by training being carried out together with performance of military duties in conditions of the constant combat readiness [3]. For successful solution of tasks of career orientation in general and sport orientation in particular, it is relevant to study the motor-talent-forecasting-related issues. V.Ya. Greenberg [5] indicates that motor talent manifested in sport activities, should be studied including psychophysiological and morphological characteristics of a person. Athlete's successful performance depends on his genetically predetermined anthropometric characteristics (e.g. height in basketball, volleyball; body constitution in gymnastics). The author emphasizes that all components of the motor structure should be a part of an integral functional system and work together. The more of such components a person has, the more talented he is. A person is not predisposed to physical and sport activities if he has one (or even more) talents and does not have anthropometric abilities and vice versa. In order to manifest and develop talent one should also be very hard-working, have stable motivation (personality orientation), knowledge and skills in the specific area of activity.
However, the value of physical activity is not limited to its influence on physical development and health of servicemen. Physical culture and sport significantly affect the formation of the value system and lifestyle of young people [7]. In recent years, there has been a tendency to use the philosophical and cultural approach in studying the phenomenon of physical culture. It is suggested to use the notion “physical culture (instead of physical) education of man”, which is focused on education through culture by the assimilation of the axiological potential of physical culture [9]. According to the author, intellectual values include in their content the knowledge of methods and means of development of man’s physical potential as a basic framework of his physical activity, conditioning process and healthy lifestyle. Motor values include the best examples of motor activity achieved in the course of physical education and sport training. In training of the socially active young generation, it is of particular importance for children and youth to master the mobilization values of physical culture. These include the developed at physical culture and sports sessions ability for the rational time management, self-discipline, good organization, quick situation assessment and decision making, persistency in achieving the desired goal, the ability to deal with the failure and even defeat. The ability of the body for urgent mobilization of functional reserves in extreme conditions in unexpected circumstances is also formed via physical training.
Conclusion. The analysis of publications on the improvement of professional education system shows that the young specialist training system in military universities should comprise the action plan ensuring not only high quality vocational training, but also an optimal level of health and physical development, identify talented students, create favorable conditions for making them more creative. Such an approach will make it possible to obtain more objective criteria of serviceman’s readiness for qualitative professional performance.
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