Portable multi-functional simulator for strength training and posttraumatic rehabilitation
O.I. Myakisheva
Associate Professor M.V. Egorov
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa
Modern consumer appliances geared to “ease life” in one or another way have triggered in fact a variety of serious problem faced by the young people nowadays. It is obvious among other things that the higher are the numbers of these “labour-saving” gadgets, the poorer are the actual physical development standards of their users. No wonder that for the last few years many studies report worrisome sagging trends in the physical fitness and health standards of the young people. The university entrants, for instance, are increasingly unable to cope with elementary strength exercises including push-ups on the ground, pull-ups on the low and high bars, push-ups on parallel bars etc. Furthermore, the numbers of university students qualified with the special groups and health-rehabilitation groups (i.e. the ones diagnosed with health conditions, musculoskeletal disorders, weight disorders etc.) have been on the rise for the last few years and these qualifications are in fact largely de-motivating them for physical cultural practices. Our invention was designed to help them both improve the physical fitness levels and to provide positive motivations to the trainees by the service being customizable, i.e. individualized by the workload ranges and strength exercise options (available in the static and dynamic modes) applicable to every muscular group. Special emphasis was made on the simplicity of the multifunctional simulator design as it is easily disassembled and assembled. The portable and multifunctional design of the unit makes it possible to use the simulator in a wide variety of applications in professional sport gyms; home workouts; health rehabilitation procedures in the posttraumatic period etc. The invention was tested at the USPTU sport facilities and was positively assessed by the students who reportedly appreciated the simple and multifunctional design of the system and positive emotions it evokes in the user.
Keywords: portable multifunctional simulator, strength exercises, posttraumatic rehabilitation, neuro-muscular control, motor skill development.
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