Professional personality development in physical education/sport specialists in higher education system modernization process


Applicant J.O. Averyasova1
G.B. Kondrakov2
S.Yu. Vit'ko2
1RSAU-Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
2Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

We believe that the sport theory and practice need to explore in more detail the professional personality development aspects in the physical education and sport (PES) specialists in the ongoing higher education system modernization process (dominated by the system restructuring through mergers and new associations of the education establishments). Top priority will be given to the university faculty (UF) formation process at the physical culture departments with an emphasis on the UF accreditation criteria and professional standards compliance by the special and general university departments.
The study analyzes the practical experience of an educational experiment designed to implement point/ rating system to rate the personality development levels of the university physical education and sport (PES) specialists.

Keywords: modernization of higher education, PES specialists, staff competency, professional personality development.


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