Healthy lifestyle motivations and values formation in students 


Postgraduate A.Yu. Kolesnikova1
Dr.Med., Professor V.Yu. Lebedinskiy2
Associate Professor, PhD K.V. Sukhinina1
1Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk
2Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk

Healthy lifestyle focused motivations and values are formed in university students under influence of a variety of psychological and social factors including the personal traits (i.e. prevailing individual motivation domains, cognitive abilities, adaptive qualities etc.), living standards, habitual living models, actual social environment etc. As reported by many sport analysts, there are clear correlations between the actual health standards, healthy lifestyles and health-driven habits of students.
Objective of the study was to identify the healthy lifestyle motivations and values formation mechanisms activated in university students under the academic physical cultural curricula.
Subject to consideration in the study are the social and psychological factors of influence on the healthy lifestyle focused motivations and values formation process in students of the Irkutsk State University. The study offers frame practical methodology of physical cultural sessions designed to shape up motivations for the healthy lifestyles in the first year students. Efficiency of the healthy lifestyle centred motivations and values breeding process depends on how purposeful are the relevant psychological and educational forms, practices, technologies and tools and how determined are the students in their health-focused behavioural models and agendas.

Keywords: healthy lifestyle, motivation and value attitude, students.


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