Mass sport event organizing at secondary school


Dr.Hab., Associate Professor A.M. Kamenskiy1
1Lyceum № 590, Leningrad Regional Institute of Education Development, St. Petersburg

The article explores the matters of mass sport events organization and management in the general education system and analyzes the practical problems and accomplishments of the general education school physical cultural and sports system and curricula. The study provides a comparative analysis of the mass school system in the Soviet period versus that in the “perestroika” transitional period and the modern general school system and operations. Special emphasis is made on the actual benefits of the systems in the physical cultural and health promotion domain both within the class physical culture curricula and the off-class physical education process. New methods to integrate the school curricula with the off-class education initiatives are outlined. The study takes Lyceum  №590 of Saint Petersburg city as a case general education establishment to present the mass sport event organization and management technology in application to the children’s “Southern Shore Olympic Games” as a case mass sport event. Practical experience of school social partnerships geared to implement long-term socially important projects is considered. Special attention is given by the article to the activities to foster the children’s pride in the national sport accomplishments and active attitudes to keep up the sport traditions, values and memories of the national sport heroes. Key design concepts of the school educational environment to encourage the self-improvement efforts of the school students – including project-focusing, partnership, festiveness and long-term benefits – are formulated.

Keywords: project-focusing, sport event, partnership, long-term benefit.


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