Technical and tactical performance improvement process in elite sambo
Postgraduate E.M. Nasyrova
Head coach of the Russian national Sambo team E.G. Nasyrov
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow
Keywords: throw technique efficiency, technical and tactical training, control, emotions.
Background. Notwithstanding the fact that there are multiple study reports and practical methodologies on sambo, the issues of tactical and technical performance improvement in elite sambo based on the emotional condition control are still rated among the most challenging by the modern sport theory and practice [1, 2]. Relevance of the study is largely due to the never ending fierce competition of elite sambo wrestlers and the need to expand the scope of the tactical and technical actions applied in the context of the revised rules of competitions.
Objective of the study was to design and substantiate by experiments a technical and tactical performance improvement methodology based on the emotional condition control in elite sambo.
Methods and organisation of the study. Subject to the experiment were 60 sambo wrestlers aged 18-24 from the State-supported Sport School #58 under the Moscow Sports Committee, including 5 Honoured Sport Masters, 6 International Masters of Sport, 8 Masters of Sport and 41 Candidate for Master of Sport engaged in the athletic training or sport excellence process. The subjects were broken down into Study Group and Reference Group of 30 people each. The training process intensity in both of the Groups was the same, except for the educational methods applied. The Study Group wrestlers were subject to individual corrective actions in the technical and tactical skills excelling process under the relevant individual technical and tactical combinations mastering schedules; with a special emphasis on the athletes’ personal traits and needs; and with the competitive process models being designed to improve some individual aspects of the athletic fitness.
Training sessions of the Study Group and Reference Group athletes were run five times a week as required by the approved schedules broken down into the relevant group and individual training plans. In the Study Group training process, the following technical and tactical tasks were set with due consideration to the individual progress needs of the athletes:
Fights free of the personal-best technical/ tactical actions;
Fights with 2-point disadvantage;
Fights with 4-point disadvantage;
Fights with 1-point advantage;
Fights with 2-point advantage;
Fights with an emphasis on the legs-action throws;
Fights with an emphasis on the arms-action throws;
Fights with an emphasis on the trunk-action throws;
Standing fights only;
Fights with a sudden change of conditions;
Time-limited fights;
Fights with distracting noise being applied;
Free fights;
Fights in the audience;
Fights with a biased, unfair refereeing service;
Fights with a higher-ranking, stronger opponent;
Fights with a lower-ranking, weaker opponent;
Fights on a larger/ smaller ring than required by the valid rules of competitions;
Fights with two opponents at a time; and
Fights from different starting positions in the ring.
The training process included five-minute fights three times ф week with the relevant (three per week) technical/ tactical tasks. A fight included five one-minute rounds with one-minute rests between the rounds when the coach’s comments and corrections could be made. Six months were assigned on the whole to implement the relevant emotional condition control recommendations. The training sessions were designed as the group and individual ones.
Study results and discussion. Having analyzed the resultant experimental data, we found the Study Group performance rates showing the following significant improvements: the technical actions total efficiency rate was found to grow from 28.73±13.61 to 33.36±16.72 (р˂0.05, t=2.9) that means a 37% rise; and the technical actions success rate was found to increase from 4.63±3.58 to 6.43±3.42 (р˂0.05, t=2.7) that makes up 38%; with the growth figures found significantly (р<0.05) higher than those in the Reference Group.
The technical and tactical performance improvement methodology based on the emotional condition control in elite sambo was found beneficial as verified by the improved technical action success rates of the subject sambo wrestlers.
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Objective of the research was to design and substantiate by experiments a technical and tactical performance improvement methodology based on the emotional condition control in elite sambo.
60 sambo wrestlers aged 18 to 24 years were surveyed, including 5 Honoured Masters of Sport, 6 world-class athletes, 8 Masters of Sport, 41 Candidates for Master of Sport. Two groups were formed: study and reference, 30 people each. The subjects were broken down into Study Group and Reference Group of 30 people each. The training process intensity in both of the Groups was the same, except for the educational methods applied. The Study Group wrestlers were subject to individual corrective actions in the technical and tactical skills excelling process under the relevant individual technical and tactical combinations mastering schedules; with a special emphasis on the athletes’ personal traits and needs; and with the competitive process models being designed to improve some individual aspects of the athletic fitness
There were determined techniques for improvement of the training process of elite sambo wrestlers in view of individual characteristics of the athletes and control of their emotional conditions.
The authors defined the efficiency of the methodology of technical and tactical actions in elite sambo wrestlers on the basis of emotional condition control.
The studies have shown that the methodology of technical and tactical actions used in training of elite sambo wrestlers on the basis of emotional condition control contributes to an improvement of technical performance of sambo wrestlers.