Integrated phased assessment of indices of military applied physical fitness of the occupied


A.A. Popkov


Integrated phased assessment of indices of military applied physical fitness of the occupied
A.A. Popkov, Volgograd state university, Volgograd
Key words: assessment, indices, physical fitness, pre-conscription and draft aged youth, military applied orientation.
The present situation in the sphere of youth training for military service is characterized by a number of negative factors: decrease of indices of state of health, physical development and physical fitness in most of young people, lack of federal system of training for military service, insufficient development of militaryapplied and technical sports.
Nowadays the requirements to fitness level of students of comprehensive institutions are not correlated with fitness standards of military men both by set of test tasks and levels of evaluation characteristics.
The characteristic of military applied physical fitness of boys and teenagers transfers information on their medical fitness for military service. The levels of development of their physical properties were estimated using various physical exercises and functional tests, describing physical fitness of pre-conscription and draft aged youth for military service.
In the authors' opinion, the task can be effectively solved in case of phased development of physical properties, gradual complication of exercising conditions, directed intensification of military-applied orientation. Such a work is to be started already in the age of 10.
The purpose of the present research was to analyze indices of the level of military applied physical fitness of future military men.
Phased assessment of indices of physical fitness of military applied orientation of pre-conscription and draft aged youth was proved to promote their effective training for military service.
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