Journal TIPFK role in context of system innovation transformations in physical education of rising generation of Russian Federation
Dr.Hab., Ph.D. V.K. Spirin
Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport, Velikie Luki
Keywords: sociocultural reality, conceptual framework, high technologies, sportizated physical education, GTO complex, point rating scale, individual approach.
In 1925, three volumes of "Teoriya Fizicheskoy Kultury" were issued due to the need for systematic scientific substantiation of physical education and sports in the Soviet Union [3] and that is considered the beginning of monthly scientific and theoretical journal "Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury" (TPFK). Since that time, especially in the period of formation of a new sociocultural reality, the journal has been offering methodically grounded provisions and conceptual solutions for system innovation transformations in the sphere of physical culture and sports. National education, and physical education in particular, is seen as the basis for active training of young people and their involvement into the transforming political and economic processes. Currently, there are different conceptual approaches to the organization of physical activity of students in various educational institutions. The dominant approach is the one which was introduced in the 80-90's of the last century, since when physical training has been actively introduced in the school physical education system on the basis of a related comprehensive programme. In the course of testing of educational programmes developed within the existing paradigm of physical education in educational institutions the researchers obtained a considerable amount of data indicating the relatively negative trends in the development of the content of physical education. This opinion is confirmed by the judgments which appear in the special literature and in the media about the deterioration of students' health, the reducing indicators of their physical fitness and psycho-physical degradation. As a result, there is an objective need for a thorough study of the essence of theoretical and technological foundations of physical education, followed by the introduction of system innovation transformations in physical education of rising generation. In these conditions the TPFK journal acted as a compass, which determined the vector of development of methodologically grounded conceptual provisions on the formation of a new paradigm of physical education of population of the Russian Federation.
The journal became a platform for an informational and educational campaign organized by professors V.K. Bal’sevich and L.I. Lubysheva aimed at the creation and development of a national system of sportizated physical education [1]. An extensive research on the implementation of the idea of sportizated physical education in different regions of the Russian Federation showed the effectiveness of this innovative educational technology. The teachers were not only offered new forms of organization of physical education, but also the ways how to use effectively the main form - physical education lesson. Based on the concept of the sportizated approach to physical education a technology of planning of students' physical activity was developed, which was supposed to provide the cumulative effect of the system of educational and training influences while addressing different educational tasks. The proposed model of exercises on the basis of a particular sport with the elements of high technologies of sports training allowed the teachers to use the lesson of physical education more successfully in optimizing the age dynamics of development of student's body and improving its functional capacity and adaptive characteristics [4, 5].
The journal actively supported the revival of the GTO complex. There was presented a number of methodologically grounded conceptual solutions for the efficient execution of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 24 March 2014 № 172 "On the Russian Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO)". The new informational and educational space of the journal, created with a view of helping the professionals working in the field of physical education master theoretical and technological foundations of system innovation transformations in physical education became the basis for developing a scientific approach to the implementation of the new GTO complex. In accordance with the concept of sportizated physical education there was proposed a rating scale for assessment of individualized physical fitness parameters to be used during the GTO qualification tests. This scale correlated with the implementation of the health-promoting function of physical culture and was focused on the achievement of optimal results [6]. The graphical model of assessment of physical fitness level was based on the judgment of Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Education V.K. Bal’sevich that only individualized technologies of stimulated development of physical capacity of a person, which were developed in health-promoting sports, can truly improve the trust of population and teachers in the implementation of the revived GTO complex.
The journal made a significant contribution to the formation of a new paradigm of physical education for different educational institutions, from kindergartens to universities. However, the adherents of the old paradigm still dominate at the level of regional, municipal and local systems of physical education. One of the main reasons for this is the stereotypes of thinking of these experts. In order to change this situation the managers at various levels, related to the system of physical education of children, adolescents and youth, and physical education teachers should possess deep theoretical knowledge on the subject and lecturing skills to convey this knowledge to the executors. The scientific and theoretical journal "Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury" objectively contributes to the reorientation of the adherents of the old paradigm of physical education. The paradox is that despite the leading role of the journal in the development of methodically grounded provisions and conceptual solutions regarding the reorganization of physical education, it does not fully reach the teachers and specialists of regional and municipal physical education systems. The reason is obvious: the vast majority of administrators on these levels are not subscribed to the journal. Undoubtedly, the increased circulation of the journal, followed by the study of its content by specialists working in the field of physical education, can facilitate sports activities in the Russian Federation as a resource for socioeconomic and political development of the country through careful scientific research into the essence of physical culture and sport. A new conceptual approach to the modern understanding of the social nature of sport proposed by chief editor - professor L.I. Lubysheva [2] - actualizes the role of the journal in the system innovation transformations aimed at organizing motor activity of the population of the Russian Federation within the new sociocultural reality.
- Bal’sevich, V.K Kontseptsiya informatsionnoobrazovatel’noy kampanii po razvertyvaniyu natsional’noy sistemy sportivno orientirovannogo fizicheskogo vospitaniya obuchayushchikhsya v obshcheobrazovatel’nykh shkolakh Rossiyskoy Federatsii (Concept of information educational campaign for development of national system of sportizated physical education of secondary school pupils in the Russian Federation) / V.K. Bal’sevich, L.I. Lubysheva // Fizicheskaya kul’tura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka. – 2003. – № 1. – P. 11–17.
- Lubysheva, L.I. Novy kontseptual’ny podkhod k sovremennomu ponimaniyu sotsial’noy prirody sporta (New conceptual approach to modern interpretation of social nature of sport) / L.I. Lubysheva // Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. – 2015. – № 4. – P. 94–101.
- Pronin, S.A. Zarozhdenie zhurnala «Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul’tury» (1925–1931 gg.) (Origin of the journal «Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul’tury») / S.A. Pronin // Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. – 2015. – № 1. – P. 12–13.
- Spirin, V.K. Planirovanie uchebnogo materiala po predmetu «Fizicheskaya kul’tura» na osnove kontseptsii sportivnoy trenirovki (Plan of «Physical Education» teaching material with regard to sports training concept) / V.K. Spirin, V.A. Bagina, I.A. Rissamakina // Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. – 2013. – № 5. – P. 18–22.
- Spirin, V.K. Planirovanie uchebnogo materiala po predmetu «Fizicheskaya kul’tura» na osnove kontseptsii sportivnoy trenirovki (Planning of educational material on the subject «Physical Education» with regard to sports training concept) / V.K. Spirin, V.A. Bagina, I.A. Rissamakina // Fizicheskaya kul'tura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka. – 2014. – № 3. – P. 2–6.
- Spirin, V.K. K probleme razrabotki normativnykh trebovaniy kompleksa GTO v kontekste realizatsii zdorov’eformiruyushchego podkhoda k fizkul’turnoy aktivnosti naseleniya RF (Development of regulatory requirements of the GTO complex in context of health-promoting approach to sports activity of Russian people) / V.K. Spirin // Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. – 2014. – № 11. – P. 94–97.
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In 1925, three volumes of "Teoriya Fizicheskoy Kultury" were issued due to the need for systematic scientific substantiation of physical education and sports in the Soviet Union and that is considered the beginning of monthly scientific and theoretical journal "Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury" (TPFK). Since that time, especially in the period of formation of a new sociocultural reality, the journal has been offering methodically grounded provisions and conceptual solutions for system innovation transformations in the sphere of physical culture and sports. The journal contains methodically grounded provisions and conceptual solutions for the formation of a new paradigm of physical education in educational institutions of different types with regard to the sportizated approach. However, the largescale implementation of a number of fundamental scientific directions providing sportization of educational institutions, has not been implemented. That was mainly due to the stereotypes of thinking. In order to change this situation the managers at various levels, related to the system of physical education of children, adolescents and youth, and physical education teachers should possess deep theoretical knowledge on the subject and lecturing skills to convey this knowledge to the executors. Undoubtedly, the increased circulation of the journal, followed by the study of its content by specialists working in the field of physical education, can facilitate sports activities in the Russian Federation as a resource for socioeconomic and political development of the country through careful scientific research into the essence of physical culture and sport. A new conceptual approach to the modern understanding of the social nature of sport proposed by chief editor - professor L.I. Lubysheva - actualizes the role of the journal in the system innovation transformations aimed at organizing motor activity of the population of the Russian Federation within the new sociocultural reality.