Technology of system development of physical qualities of young people with regard to mobile learning
Associate Professor, Dr.Hab. R.S. Nagovitsyn1
Dr.Hab. E.A. Rassolova2
Professor, Dr.Hab. E.I. Sokolnikova3
Professor, Dr.Hab. S.Yu. Senator3
Ph.D., Associate Professor I.I. Torbina3
1Glazov State Pedagogical Institute named after V.G. Korolenko, Glazov
2Judicial Division for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Moscow
3Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov, Moscow
Keywords: mobile learning, physical education, information technology, rated physical conditioning system, physical development level, GTO Complex, performance indicators.
The growing pace of the scientific and technical advance and the dynamic social reforms of direct impact on the new generation that has to effectively accept and adapt to the rapidly changing lifestyles – require new institutional models and management styles being formed in many sectors including the physical education sector that plays a key role in preparing a young person for future life challenges and shaping up his or her physical qualities and health standards. This is the reason why the traditional content of national physical education need to be revised to meet the new challenges otherwise its mission will be left misunderstood and unclaimed by the young people.
Relevance of the study
Considering the present situation of the physical education sector, we would note the striking contradiction between the wide variety of physical culture studies focused on self-improvement practices and developments on the one hand and the inadequacy of the available primary technological tools for this process on the other hand. As a result, we face a number of fundamental methodological problems in the attempts to design modern education technologies for the physical culture and sports sector – which is now saturated with mobile systems – and these problems are still beyond the focus of the sector researchers and system developers. Therefore, we believe that it is high time to design a new physical culture and sports development model geared to give a new impetus to the physical development of the rising generation through a target modernization of the existing physical education system.
Top priority in this process will be given to mobilization of the education potential of mobile systems and technologies to scale up the education process efficiency and thereby improve the physical quality criteria and physical capacity levels of the trainees based on the young people being duly motivated to improve their activity in the area of physical education. In view of the fact that virtually every education institution now reports having a short supply of necessary primary teaching equipment and provisions for the information technology (IT) component of the process, top priority will be given to the integration of the available IT systems and the IT-based education technologies designed to employ the personal mobile equipment of the students to effectively use the Internet resources and mobile learning potential in the education process [4].
The efforts to modernize and develop physical education of young people based on a variety of non-traditional innovative approaches including the mobile learning models will help meet the modern needs and demands of the rising generation. In this context, the initiative to develop an integrated physical qualities development technology for young people based on the mobile learning system will help step up the effectiveness of the physical culture and sports process in this population group.
Objective of the study was to develop a frame model and technology for systemic development of physical qualities based on a mobile learning system in application to young people.
Materials and methods
The methodological approach of the study was based on the available studies of the physical education theory and methods by B.K. Bal'sevich [1], M.Ya. Vilenskiy, V.S. Kuznetsov and L.I. Lubysheva [3]; L.P. Matveev, S.D. Neverkovich and Yu.M. Nikolaev [5]; and J.K. Kholodov, V.A. Shchegolev and K. Green; works on the youth physical culture formation theory by S.S. Aganov, L.N. Akulova, N.V. Barysheva, Yu.I. Evseev, V.Yu. Karpov and A.V. Lotonenko [2]; V.A. Pet’kova, T.V. Skoblikova, V.N. Solov'ev, G.M. Solov'ev, V.V. Stanovov, N.H. Khakunov and V.G. Shil’ko [6]; and G.A. Yamaletdinova; studies of the technological tools for the IT implementation in the physical education and sports process by V.V. Zaytseva, P.K. Petrov, I.S. Syrvacheva and M.M. Chubarov; studies of the theoretical fundamentals for systemic approach by V.G. Afanasiev, V.P. Bespal'ko, B.S. Gershunskiy, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, B.F. Lomov and Yu.P. Sokol’nikov.
In the phased implementation of the Russian Physical Culture and Sport “Ready for Labour and Defence (GTO)” Complex geared to promote the physical culture and sport movement in the country with support of the relevant progress monitoring system to assess the physical development progress of the people, the developers have designed and implemented an experimental rated physical conditioning technology based on the mobile learning system. To provide for the above experimental technology being implemented on an integrated basis, the developers offered a frame model of the rated physical conditioning technology based on the mobile learning tools. The model effectively presents the integrated process of physical qualities development in young people based on the mobile learning tools.
This mobile-learning-based rated physical conditioning system is designed to include the following interrelated modules: User Module; Programmatic Module; Mobile Module; and Training Module (see Figure 1 hereunder).
The User Module design is based on the user’s performance indicators rated by a few levels that determine the recommended individual training complexes, as follows: rated physical development level (high; above-the-average; average; below-the-average; and low level) with specification of the physical qualities (such as speed, endurance, strength, flexibility and dexterity); overall physical fitness level (high – that meets the golden/ silver GTO grade badge qualifications; average – that meets the bronze GTO grade badge qualifications; and low – short of any GTO grade badge qualification;); sex (male, female); weekly motor activity level (high: in case of the workloads making up 4-5 training sessions per week in some sport discipline; above the average: in case of the workloads coming to 2-3 training sessions per week in some sport; and low: limited to 1-2 training sessions per week in some sport).
The Programmatic Module is designed to offer a level-specific 6-week long training complex variable depending on the overall physical fitness rate of the user, the content of the complex being basically composed of twenty different training cycles each of them focused on two physical qualities (rated as low level or under-the-average level).
User module
Programmatic module
Mobile module
Training module
Figure 1. Mobile-learning-based rated physical conditioning system: frame model:
h means the high level; aa means the above-the-average level; a means the average level; ua means the below-the-average level; and l means the low level;
PQ(X)-Y means the training session of the X intensity level geared to improve the physical quality to Y level;
* Training shall be performed during the academic hours of the physical education curriculum or, when it is impossible for some reason, the training shall be completed any day of the week;
** Training shall include two training cycles so that as soon as the first training cycle is completed the trainee could go to the relevant special sport facility and complete the second training cycle;
- When PQ(ua) or PQ(l) refers to flexibility, the trainee shall perform PQ(l) practice regardless of the level and then go to the special sport facility or prepare the site and complete training session 26.
The Mobile Module offers special mobile content downloadable from the Internet and composed of twenty seven (27) mobile training sessions, each of them being designed to improve some physical quality (speed, endurance, strength, flexibility or dexterity) at the relevant individual intensity level (high, above-the-average, below-the-average or low level).
The Training Module offers an individualized complex of different training cycles to the user for scheduled special training sessions tailored to the relevant PQ levels to meet the recommended individual weekly demand for physical activity.
Results and discussion
The experimental study we completed demonstrated a positive result of the rated physical conditioning technology based on the Internet-supported mobile learning system for young people, in the frame model format. Standard tests under the the national Russian Physical Culture and Sport “Ready for Labour and Defence (GTO)” Complex were used for the progress monitoring purposes under the study. Assessments of the physical development levels of the trainees on an Internet-supported basis showed that the study group physical quality progress indicators (achieved through self-trainings under the rated physical conditioning technology model offered herein) were 20% better than that of the reference group. Furthermore, the study group users were more successful than the reference group ones in qualifying for the GTO grade badges, as follows: 5% more people qualified for the golden GTO grade badge; 12% more – for the silver GTO grade badge; and 19% more – for bronze GTO grade badge. In addition, the GTO-unfit (unable to qualify for a badge) category in the study group contracted by 35% versus the reference group after the training.
The rated physical conditioning technology based on the mobile learning system for young people, in the offered frame model format, is designed to shape up a comprehensively and harmonically (in the physical aspect) developed individual. Self-training efforts under the rated physical conditioning system in the off-class hours help excel the background physical culture and sport education of the young people. The pupils/ university students’ and young working people’s physical education activity improvement and modernization systems based on the innovation technologies like mobile learning offered herein will help meet the modern needs and aspirations of this population group.
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Modernization of sports activity of young people on the basis of unconventional and innovative approaches such as mobile learning, will satisfy the modern needs and the requirements of the rising generation. In this context, designing the integrated mobile-learning-based physical conditioning technology for young people will ensure the effectiveness of the physical education and sports process.
Objective of the study was to develop a frame model and technology for systemic development of physical qualities based on a mobile learning system in application to young people.
The rated physical conditioning technology based on the mobile learning system for young people, in the offered frame model format, is designed to shape up a comprehensively and harmonically (in the physical aspect) developed individual. Self-training efforts under the rated physical conditioning system in the off-class hours help excel the background physical culture and sport education of the young people. The pupils/ university students’ and young working people’s physical education activity improvement and modernization systems based on the innovation technologies like mobile learning offered herein will help meet the modern needs and aspirations of this population group.