Fundamental theoretical basics of modern system of integrated physical education


V.I. Stolyarov, professor, Dr.Phil., professor


Fundamental theoretical basics of modern system of integrated physical education
V.I. Stolyarov, professor, Dr.Phil., professor, Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism (SCOLIPC), Moscow
Key words: theory of physical education, concept, innovative approaches.
In the last years the existing system of physical education has been criticized both in our country and abroad, proving the necessity of creation of the new system of this kind of teaching activity satisfying the contemporary demands. Certain innovative programs, methods, technologies, "managerial" ideas" of the modern system of physical education are subjected.
The purpose of the present research was to present the author's concept of the modern system of integrated physical education.
The tasks associated with teaching value-selective attitude to sports classes are essentially correlated with teachers' focus on various values of sports activity, as well as interests, requirements, expectations of pupils regarding this activity. The author's concept of the modern system of integrated physical education presupposes three relatively independent elements in its contents: corporal training, motor training and sports training, united in a single system due to their close correlation with each other and human motor activity and corporality.
The introduction into practice of the concept stipulated in the paper requires specification of the generally defined tasks, forms, methods etc of the system of modern integrated physical education. First of all, they are to be specified in relation to various sociodemographic population groups on different stages of formation and development of personality, levels of education etc. It is required to provide for varied organizational forms of realization of various directions, solution of certain tasks, use of forms and methods of integrated physical education (in educational institutions, e.g. academic classes and complex of extracurricular measures are to serve for this purpose). Sociopedagogical and organizational measures are necessary, so that complementary corporal and sports trainings were an organic element of the wider - humanistic - system of training of personal culture.
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