Strategy of formation of social and physical health of Russian youth
Professor, Dr.Hab. V.P. Luk'yanenko1
Associate Professor, PhD N.P. Lyubetskiy2
1North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol
2Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don
The article is devoted to the identification of the main reasons for the low level of social and physical health of today's young people. The authors believe, this is largely due to the fact that the problem of physical and social health is multidimensional, integrative, in many respects exceeds the authority of specialists working in the area of "Physical Education". Therefore, the common ideas of the possible quick positive effect when addressing the problem of people's health by simply increasing motor activity are absolutely wrong and utterly unfounded. One should understand well that a healthy, independent and self-sufficient individual, a real citizen can be formed only in case of using the whole social potential of people. The article proves the necessity of complex effects on a developing personality in order to maintain and promote his/her health, as well as the conditions that must be created in a modern community to ensure the positive course of the sutuation in the near and foreseeable future. The stipulated statements can be useful in implementing a more effective approach to the problem of ensuring good physical and social health of people.
Keywords: physical culture and sport, national health, complex effects, social potential of society.
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