Body sculpt and functional status improvement model in women's aqua fitness


Postgraduate A.V. Sharav'eva
Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky

The purpose of the present research was to develop and experimentally prove women's functional status and body sculpt improvement systems with the use of aqua fitness. Educational experiment was implemented in three age groups of women: 18-34, 35-45 and 46-55 years - from 2011 to 2014. Aqua fitness classes in study group (60) were distinguished by 40 minute workouts 3 times a week, simulation of physical loads for young and elderly women during the year: coventional swimming, elements of aqua aerobics, special exercises. There were carried out theoretical studies on healthy lifestyle, healthy eating and promotion of women's health. Special aqua fitness programs were designed for every age group. The program for the reference group women included water aerobics twice a week and swimming class (40 minutes) once a week.
The integrated system of women's functional status and body sculpt improvement promoted updating aqua fitness classes, their technology in three age groups of women, as well as development of additional recreational activities, which in turn have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, metabolism, anthropometric characteristics, body weight, fat and muscle mass.

Keywords: health, functional status, body sculpt, aqua fitness, training program for women of all ages.


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