Specialized playing court for basketball shot training


PhD V.N. Pritykin
Omsk State Medical University, Omsk

The article presents a complete set for special playing court for basketball shot training. Five basic principles of equipping the court were detected. There was designed an information sheet for coach-instructor made of the layout of 9 stations, accessory equipment and a table of symbols with a brief description of the main characteristics and components of the special-purpose playing court. The work includes photographs of fixed stations and mobile equipment: "Trajectory" training simulator and shot module with three backboards. The mobile shot module includes a touch backboard to detect the coordinates of the backboard touch points during shots. Special playing court equipment is used to teach how to make basketball shots, master bank and backboard-free shots and implement a system of long-term shot training of players.

Keywords: basketball, specialized playing court, technical tools, devices, training equipment, modules, stations, bank shot, backboard-free shot, shot training.


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