Physical condition of young graduates of preschool educational institutions within FSES requirements implementation


Professor, Dr.Hab., Honoured Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation L.A. Semenov
Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut

The article presents the results of the ascertaining experiment, conducted with the participation of about 650 children - graduates of pre-school educational institutions, which was aimed at assessing their physical condition in the context of the requirements of continuity with the primary school, stipulated in the Federal state standard of preschool education.
It is proved that this requirement in terms of solving one of the major challenges of development of conditional physical qualities, has not been implemented yet: about 50% of graduates of pre-school educational institutions are unable to meet the minimum standards for seven-year-olds. In addition, the article discusses the main reasons for this situation, among which: insufficient volume of exercises for development of conditional physical qualities in physical education curricula, lack of a unified physical fitness monitoring system for children etc.

Keywords: pre-school physical education, physical condition, federal state standard, pre-school educational institution graduates, continuity.


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