School physical education program for rural schoolchildren: updating trends
O.A. Rogozhkin
Ryazan State University n.a. S.A. Esenin, Ryazan
Nowadays is one of the areas of promotion and protection of health, as well as formation of personality of modern man. The pressing research problems in the educational system of Russia are to introduce young people into physical education and protect health of children. The article discusses the experience of teachers in forming physical education in compliance with the interests of rural pupils. New forms of motor activity (cycling, skating, table tennis) were included in the school currciulum to form the positive motivation of students to physical education and sport. The study revealed that the developed and experimentally tested physical education curriculum for rural pupils helps change their attitude towards physical education classes, increases the interest in sport, strengthens health of children and motivates them to a healthy lifestyle. The curriculum can be recommended for physical education teachers to improve the organization of physical education in schools to meet the GTO (Ready for Labor and Defence complex) requirements and specifics of rural society.
Keywords: health, physical culture, rural school specifics, interest, healthy lifestyle, working experience.
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- [electronic resource] Available at: URL: (date of access: 11/10/2015).