Express testing of anaerobic threshold and maximal oxygen consumption in skilled athletes
Ph.D., Associate Professor A.V. Astakhov
Ph.D., Associate Professor V.V. Shchegolev
Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Kaluga
Keywords: anaerobic threshold, maximal oxygen consumption, heart rate.
Individual anaerobic threshold (IAT) is a reliable physiological indicator of training load intensity of skilled athletes. The more trained the athlete is, the higher is the anaerobic threshold which comes with higher heart rate (HR).
Maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) is the major criterion commonly used to estimate athlete's physical working capacity, performance of his cardiovascular system and his aerobic capacity.
Except laboratory research the individual value of anaerobic threshold can be defined by measuring lactate using a portable lactometer [5], or by means of the test developed by Italian scientist F. Konkoni [7]. The rule of changing blood lactate and HR at graduated increase in intensity of physical activity is the cornerstone of this test. The Konkoni's test is performed on a racetrack of the stadium. The subject is to overcome the distance of 3400 - 3700 meters.
For indirect determination of maximum oxygen consumption the subject is also to perform stress exercise [2, 3].
Thus, individual values of the anaerobic threshold and the maximum oxygen consumption are the informative indicators of athletes’ condition and are necessary for control and planning of training loads. But athletes cannot can apply the offered measurement methods in trainings and competitions due to difficulties in organization.
Research objective was to create a mathematical formula to determine anaerobic threshold and level of maximum oxygen consumption, relying on the thesis about the linear dependence of load on the one hand and HR, IAT and VO2max on the other and to choose for it an exercise to be used by skilled athletes in the preparatory part of their training session.
Research technique. There is a common direct dependence between the increase of HR, oxygen consumption and lactic acid accumulation in blood when HR is in the range of 90 to 180 beats/min [4, 6]. With this in mind, the anaerobic threshold and the level of maximum oxygen consumption can be calculated by extrapolating the "load – HR" dependence curve. For this purpose it is enough to perform a graduated exercise for HR to exceed 90 beats/min.
In our research to measure IAT and VO2max the subject was to run 500m distance on a racetrack (or any measured track) in 125-126 seconds and to calculate his HR.
VO2max is calculated using our modified formula [1]:
VO2max = (11 – Z ×HR500) × 1000/ P
where: Z - coefficient, presented in Table 1;
HR 500 - HR after running a 500-meter distance in 125 - 126 seconds (bpm);
Р – athlete's weight (kg).
HR of the anaerobic threshold is calculated using our formula:
IAT = (Y ×Hr + 100) × (%HR max)
where: Y - coefficient, presented in Table 2;
Hr - heart rate at rest, estimated (bpm);
HRmax % - HR percentage, of estimated maximum HR. Presented in Table 2.
Hr = (11 – (11 - Z×HR500))²
Table 1.
HR500 |
128- 133 |
134- 138 |
139- 142 |
143- 145 |
146- 147 |
148- 150 |
151- 154 |
155- 159 |
160- 165 |
Z |
0,49 |
0,50 |
0,51 |
0,52 |
0,53 |
0,54 |
0,55 |
0,56 |
0,57 |
It is known that skilled athletes reach anaerobic threshold rate when HR is 85 - 92% of maximum HR [5].
Table 2.
Hr |
28 29 |
30 31 |
32 33 |
34 35 |
36 37 |
38 39 |
40 41 |
42 43 |
44 45 |
Y |
15,3 |
15,2 |
15,1 |
15,0 |
14,9 |
14,8 |
14,7 |
14,6 |
14,5 |
HR, % HR max |
93 |
92 |
91 |
90 |
89 |
88 |
87 |
86 |
85 |
Hr |
46 47 |
48 49 |
50 51 |
52 53 |
54 55 |
56 57 |
58 59 |
60 61 |
62 63 |
Y |
14,4 |
14,3 |
14,2 |
14,1 |
14,0 |
13,9 |
13,8 |
13,7 |
13,6 |
HR, % HR max |
84 |
83 |
82 |
81 |
80 |
79 |
78 |
77 |
76 |
Results of research. Experimental verification of the system of express testing of IAT and VO2max was carried out in January-February, 2015. Two groups of athletes took part in the experiment. The first group (n-10) included the leading athletes of Kaluga region: skiers, track and field athletes and orienteers. Among them were six Masters of Sport and four candidates for Master of Sports. Athletes of this group were subject to functional testing in the scientific research laboratory.
The second group (n-14) was made of athletes of mass categories, students of the physical education department of KSU named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky. The level of maximum oxygen consumption and the indices of anaerobic threshold in the second group were defined using the indirect method.
In the first group the statistical analysis of the interrelation of IAT testing results obtained in vitro and during express testing showed strong dependence of the correlating characteristics r =0,9, at significance level 0,05. Statistical analysis of the interrelation of the VO2max testing results obtained in vitro and during express testing revealed highly strong dependence (r = 0,8). In the second group the dependence was highly strong too (r = 0,76).
Conclusion. Knowing about the direct dependence between the increase of HR, oxygen consumption and lactic acid accumulation in blood at HR within 90-180 beats/min, we created a formula to calculate anaerobic threshold and level of maximum oxygen consumption. Running on racetrack of the stadium (arena) was used for testing. The subjects were to pass a 500 meter distance in the set time of 125-126 seconds.
VO2max and IAT sample calculations. The 67 kg athlete, candidate for Master of Sport in cross-country skiing, has HR of 147 bpm after running a 500 meter distance in 126 seconds (changes of HR are measured using a heart rate monitor).
VO2max = (11 – 0,53 ×) × 1000/ 67 = 68,3 ml/min/kg.
Hr = (11 – (11 – 0,53 ×))²
IAT = (14,7 × + 100) × 87% = 169 bpm.
If HR at rest, estimated Hr, appears to be lower than actual HR at rest, the obtained difference is added to estimated maximum HR. And vice versa, if HR at rest, estimated Hr, is higher than actual HR at rest, the obtained difference is subtracted from calculation maximum HR.
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