Features of organization of scientific activity of future specialists in the sphere of physical culture and sport



Ph.D., Associate Professor N.E. Gogolev
M.R. Glukhareva
S.V. Sabaraykin
Yu.V. Ivanov
Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk


Keywords: students, physical culture and sport, scientific activity.

Introduction. Specialist training in the sphere of physical culture and sport requires involving science as an obligatory integral part, which unites the new knowledge and scientific process, especially for future physical education teachers and trainers of elite athletes [1]. Science + physical culture and sport = result.

Science contributes to formation of creative personalities, who can reasonably and effectively solve both theoretical and practical problems. The whole process of specialists’ training in the sphere of physical culture and sport represents synthesis of education, training, practice and research work. Besides, transformations of scientific activities are carried out in accordance with the new life conditions, based on long-term domestic and foreign experience in science and education integration, specialists’ training, which are up to world standards [1,3].

The priority directions in specialist training in the Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov include targeted organization and development of scientific activities, enhancement of scientific competency of the graduated specialists and identifying talented young people for future training and recruitment of the scientific staff, other institutions and organizations of the country in terms of the latest achievements in science, economic thought and cultural development.

The purpose of the study was to generalize the experience in organization of students’ scientific activity in the Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov.

Key directions of organization of scientific activity. The key directions of organization of student scientific activity are as follows: improving the educational process through joint participation of both students and teachers in the implementation of different research projects; involving students in various scientific researches; development of students’ skills of independent and reasonable judgments and conclusions; giving them an opportunity to try themselves in different areas of modern science; involving students in rationalization and creative activities; promoting students’ extracurricular research work; increasing the efficiency of methodological events; promoting in creation and functioning of student entrepreneurial creative scientific associations of various types of business; facilitating involvement of the academic staff in organization and control of students’ research work.

In order to provide a system solution to the problems of planning, organization and stimulation of research activity its basic types are distinguished. The classification is based on the content and methods of the implementation of all the variety of sessions, projects and events of student research work with regard to the process of assimilation of the university curricula: research work as a part of learning and training process; research work as an addition to learning and training process; research work parallel to learning and training process [1].

The main and most efficient organizational forms of students’ scientific activity are as follows: curricula-based educational research work; integration of research elements in the academic studies; graduation theses of entirely or partially scientific character; students’ individual research work, that is participation of students in the development of a specific problem under the guidance of a certain scientific advisor from the academic staff; performance of research work during teaching practice; preparing a scientific paper on a given topic; students’ scientific circles and groups; involvement of students in the implementation of research projects, financed from various sources; participation of students in scientific organized public and competitive events of different levels (departmental, institute, university, regional, national, international), which stimulate development of students’ scientific work, as well as creativity of every student. These include scientific seminars, conferences, exhibitions, contests of scientific and educational research works among students, Olympiads in various disciplines and specializations; organization of special elective courses, classes, programs, group training sessions for the most gifted and motivated for science students; mastery of various information means and systems of innovative science; involving students in different kinds of innovative scientific activities [1].

The integrated system of students’ research work provides their continuous participation in scientific work during the entire period of training. A significant principle of students’ research work is succession of its methods and forms from year to year, from one discipline to another, from one type of training session and task to another. Herewith, it is necessary for the difficulty and volume of the acquired knowledge and skills in science to increase gradually [2,4]:

–        1st year-study: the main content and purpose of the whole work in the course of general scientific training should be formation of perspective skills, competences and acquisition of elementary knowledge needed to conduct scientific work, instruction on the basics of individual work, development of lateral thinking. What can be useful here is abstracting work, participation in the organization of scientific seminars, exhibitions, Olympiads, conferences, etc.

–        2nd and 3rd year-study: in the course of general professional and special training, carrying out of small independent researches and creative tasks we observe formation of special research skills, extending knowledge of methods, research and result processing procedures. At this stage, participation in one intramural conference and in the contest of research works should become mandatory. Tasks and forms of research work become more complicated and their volume increases. Creativity becomes more and more notable in research work.

–        4th year-study: further formation, consolidation and enhancement of knowledge, abilities and skills, development of creative thinking and problem-solution approach, ability to make and realize decisions independently, practical application of the acquired knowledge should be carried out mainly in the course of independent research on the individual task. Thus, it is required to have experience of participation in 2 conferences, contests of different levels, conducting researches under the guidance of the department staff, participation in graduation theses contest and in the All-Russian open contest of research works. Students who displayed remarkable research skills and achieved significant results in research work can be recommended and accepted to master’s or postgraduate study without entrance examinations.

Learning and training process in the Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov is organized in accordance with the latest achievements in science, systematic update of all aspects of education, reflecting changes in the sphere of science. Particular attention is drawn to the synthesis of theoretical and practical training in this area and obtaining specific results, shown in independent scientific work, articles, tested scientific research results. Development of scientific activity of students is monitored by the one responsible for the organization of research work of students, young scientists and specialists.

Well-coordinated and organized scientific work and increase of the university rating requires development of the following regulatory documents: statute of student’s research work; statute of scientific circles; director’s decree; database on scientific activity; department to control rating of both student and teacher scientific activities, where all results are recorded.

Conclusion. Organization of scientific activity of students makes it possible to level up preparedness of the future specialists of physical culture and sport, as well as has a favorable effect on the efficiency of the university science.



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Corresponding author: 706037@mail.ru