Pedagogical support of practical implementation of innovative approach in physical education in preschool educational institutions
Postgraduate student A.I. Kavokin
Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow
The purpose of the research was to determine the effect of wushu and medical chi gong (Zhong Yuan) on motor activity and physical development of preschool children.
The efficiency of the implementation of an innovative approach to the practice of physical education of preschool children was proved and an experimental technique, which consists of wushu and medical chi gong (Zhong Yuan), aimed at improving physical fitness and increase of the amount of motor activity of preschool children, was developed. There was shown the growth in performance after the introduction of innovative methods of physical education. The amount of motor activity was determined. The relationship between the increase in physical fitness indicators of children and the increase in motor activity was determined, which confirms the hypothesis about the efficiency of using the innovative approach to the practice of physical education of preschool children.
Keywords: physical education, innovative approach, physical culture - Zhong Yuan Qigong (Medical Chi Gong), wushu, outdoor games.
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