Modern technology of differentiated physical education for primary pupils


Ph.D., associate professor G.A. Abramishvili1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.Yu. Karpov2
Ph.D., professor K.K. Skorosov3
Ph.D., associate professor M.V. Eremin2
1Sochi State University, Sochi
2Russian State Social University, Moscow
3Penza State University, Penza

The technology of physical education of primary pupils in view of their typological characteristics, contributes to a significant improvement in their health status, increase of the level of physical abilities, mental and physical performance and increases their motor activity. It is more effective than conventional physical culture and sports technologies in secondary institutions.
The distribution of means of physical education with due regard to somatic types of the pupils, dosing of exercise in accordance with the level of their biological development and physical fitness, the use of multi-level motor modes with regard to state of health and type of motor development, the introduction of physical fitness standards in compliance with body-weight characteristics can significantly improve physical education of primary pupils, helps introduce them into regular physical exercises and cultivating physical culture as an important component of a healthy lifestyle.

Keywords: differentiated physical education, primary pupils, typological features, type-specific means, methods and forms, health level, physical fitness.


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