Use of online service in monitoring of physical fitness of 6-7-year-olds in «Governor's competitions of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra»



Dr.Hab., Professor N.I. Sinyavskiy1
Ph.D., Associate Professor V.Yu. Losev2
Associate Professor N.P. Gaydym3
Ph.D., Associate Professor V.V. Apokin2
Postgraduate student A.A. Kamartdinova1
1Surgut state pedagogical university, Surgut
2Surgut state university, Surgut
3Branch of Tyumen state university, Tobolsk

Keywords: online services, courseware "Government competitions among children of preschool educational institutions of KhMAR-Yugra", educational area "Physical development".

Introduction. It is noted in the national project “Education” that one of the key mechanisms for general education development in the coming years should be the following: elaboration of new health and fitness technologies and physical culture methods, based on the individualization of physical load characteristics, contributing to health recovery and development of motivation for fitness and sports activities [2].

According to the Federal State Educational Standard in regard to the structure of general preschool educational program, a monitoring system should be created to control children’s achievements of the expected results in studying according to Curriculum plan (hereinafter – monitoring system), which provides an integrated approach to the assessment of intermediate and final results. This system can be used to examine physical, intellectual and personal qualities in children while monitoring their fitness [1].

 In view of the foregoing, we can focus on the current need to provide the educational area "Physical development" with the adequate modern educational environment for the most effective solution of its priority tasks. The application of online service should become a part of the modern information sphere of education and one of the effective tools for the formation of innovative activities in physical education and development of preschool children.

The purpose of the study was to elaborate and implement the project, which is aimed at creation of software with online service for monitoring of physical fitness of children aged 6-7 years in "Government competitions of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra.

Results and discussion. The information software package "Government competitions of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra children aged 6-7 years in the educational area "Physical Culture" was elaborated in terms of competitions and testing program on the web-platform (electronic resource: (Fig.1).

Fig.1. Dialog boxes of program entry and its key functions

In the course of the project’s implementation, we realized all the functional features of the software: easy operation, capability to support all types of devices, functionality in summing-up and calculation of the competition results (Fig.2).

Fig.2. Dialog boxes of rating and main reports

Furthermore, in the course of the project we implemented additional software features, which are used to generate group reports with diagrams and graphic representation of conditioning profile of contestants based on the competition results.

User registration system of the software makes it possible to exclude exploitation of the data by other authorized users, since the accounts are password-protected. One can process and filter the data, make inferences, enclose recommendations for individual extracurricular work with parents on physical education or develop an individual educational plan for a child according to his/her conditioning profile. All findings, protocols and reports are easily saved and can be sent to parents via e-mail.

The software has a built-in “Rating” function, which displays indices of collective testing results, as well as group conditioning profiles of boys and girls (Fig.3). Rating is available for everyone, but herewith, the users can choose whether to display the results in the rating or not.

Practical approbation of the software was carried out at the premises of Surgut Municipal Pre-School Educational Institutions such as MBDOU (Municipal Budgetary Pre-School Educational Institution) № 77 “Businka”, NSh-DS (Primary school-Kindergarten) № 43, MBDOU № 27 “Mickey Mouse”, MBDOU № 2 “Romashka”, MBDOU № 14 “Brusnichka”, MBDOU № 65 “Festival'ny”, MBDOU № 32 “Aist”, MBDOU № 4 “Umka”, MBDOU № 28 “Kalinka”, MBDOU № 81 “Mal'vina”, MBDOU № 40 “Snegurochka”, MBDOU № 41 “Ryabinushka”, MBDOU № 38 “Zoren'ka”, MBDOU № 84 “Oduvanchik”, MBDOU № 50 “Solnyshko”, MBDOU № 61 “Lel'”, NSh-DS №37, MBDOU kindergarten №18 “Mishutka”, MBDOU kindergarten №17 “Belochka”, MBDOU kindergarten №74 “Filippok”, MBDOU №70 “Golubok”, MBDOU №71 “Del'fin”, MBDOU №78 “Ivushka”, MBDOU №3 “Erudit”, MADOU TsRR-DS (Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution, Children Development Center – Kindergarten) №8 “Ogonek”, MBDOU №64 “Raduga”, MPEI “Vesnushka”, MBDOU №89 “Krepysh”, MBDOU №83 “Utinoe gnezdyshko”, MBDOU №79 “Sadko”, MBDOU №63 “Katyusha”, MBDOU №39 “Belosnezhka”, MBDOU №15 “Serebrenoe kopyttse”, MDOU №22 “Skazka”, MBDOU №76 “Kapel'ka”, MBOU NSh-DS №42. This testing enabled us to obtain a feedback and form a conditioning profile of physical fitness of children aged 6-7 years in the city of Surgut (273 boys and  273 girls) (Fig. 3).

Fig.3. Conditioning profile of physical fitness of Surgut children aged 6-7 years (273 boys and 273 girls)

Fig.4. Conditioning profile of the winner in physical fitness competitions among boys aged 6-7 years MBPEI №79 “Sadko”, Surgut

Fig.5. Conditioning profile of the winner in physical fitness-competition among girls aged 6-7 years MBPEI №79 “Sadko”, Surgut

By virtue of the elaborated software, we can not only obtain the data in order to determine the winners according to the competition results of preschool children, but also conduct a detailed analysis of even progress in physical qualities (conditioning profile) of each participant. As a result, a user holds the competitions according to the corresponding program and promptly obtains the relevant objective methodical information about the contingent of preschool children, which helps determine what kind of targeted pedagogical impact should be made on the conditioning profile of physical fitness of 6-7 year-olds.

            Conclusions. The application of online service for physical fitness monitoring of children aged 6-7 years in "Government competitions of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra” contributes to the following:

  • Testing of preschool children in accordance with the standard program.
  • Computer processing of testing materials, formation of computer database and compilation of computer-generated report on testing.
  • Research of the data, processed by computer, generation of scientific report and target information packages for different consumers.
  • Informing physical culture instructors and community (parents, teachers, administrators of educational institutions), district and city executive authorities and authorities of municipalities about physical fitness of children aged 6-7 years.
  • Elaboration of measures for improvement of the educational area "Physical development" of preschoolers, organization of health and fitness activities among them.


  1. Federal'ny gosudarstvenny obrazovatel'ny standart doshkol'nogo obrazovaniya (Prikaz Minobrnauki Rossii ot 17.10.2013 № 1155. (Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education (Order of the Russian Ministry of Defence 17.10.2013 № 1155) [electronic resource]. – Available at:>, 15.08.2011, Ministry of Education and Science.


The work was carried out with financial support from the Department of Education and Youth Policy of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra under Contest of R&D (research and development) works with fundamental and applied significance in 2014, order № 1417 of 6.11.2014


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