Physical fitness indicators of children and adolescents from disadvantaged families before and after using correctional health program



Master E.F. Baymukhametova
Dr.Biol., Associate Professor A.V. Nenasheva
Ph.D., Associate Professor A.S. Aminov
Postgraduate student N.E. Kleshchenkova
 Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk

Keywords: correctional health program, physical fitness, motor activity, physical working capacity.

Introduction. The issue of studying physical development and testing physical fitness of children is currently becoming particularly relevant in view of the search for “unconventional” means of physical education and restructuring of school physical education, which is based on the search for ways of increasing motor activity of children from social rehabilitation centers (SRC).   Methodology of development of physical fitness indicators should be based on individual or group baseline characteristics. For this purpose, physical fitness indicators were tested at the beginning and at the end of the school year after using the correctional health program. Among the factors that enhance physical working capacity and health, an important place is given to strength motor abilities as well as aerobic exercises [3].

Using the concept of physical qualities in the theory and methodology of physical culture is very convenient in order to classify diverse training means, and they essentially serve as criteria for a qualitative assessment of human motor abilities. There are five basic motor qualities: strength, speed of movements, coordination of movements (agility), flexibility and endurance. Physical qualities are developed when exercising by specially developed techniques. It is a holistic process that combines individual interconnected aspects of improving the physical, functional and psychological capacities of man [1].

The purpose of the research was to substantiate experimentally the correctional health program of physical training for children and adolescents from disadvantaged families.  

Materials and methods. Methodology of physical fitness indicators development should be based on individual or group baseline characteristics. For this purpose, we tested physical qualities at the beginning and at the end of the school year after using the correctional health program we had developed. Among the factors that enhance physical working capacity and health, an important place is given to both strength motor abilities and aerobic exercises [1, 2]. There were examined 644 children from Chelyabinsk of 6-14 years of age, including 327 children from a social rehabilitation center (SRC) for minors and 337 children from municipal educational institutions (MEI) № 118, 45. The children were examined upon arriving to the social rehabilitation center and a year later with account of the adaptation period.  

Research results and discussion. Commenting on the results, it should be noted that the correctional health program contributed to a significant increase of all the studied parameters: speed-strength endurance, speed characteristics, dynamic strength, flexibility, etc. Strength endurance of the girls increased significantly (Р<0.001-0.01). The largest increase was observed after using health technologies with children aged 11-13, which corresponds to the period of pre- and pubertal development. It should be noted that the abdominal strength endurance indicators of the girls during ontogenesis changed. A significant increase in the speed endurance indicators was observed in all age periods after the program (Р<0.001-0.01). Coordination abilities were relatively stable within the age periods of 6, 8 and 12-14 years, while a significant change took place within the periods of 7 and 9-11 years old (Р<0.01-0.001).

Speed-strength indicators were determined based on standing long jump test results. According to the results of this test we see a significant increase of the indicators in all age groups after the program (Р<0.001). Spine flexibility of the female students increased with age and was mostly developed at the age of 6-8 and 10-12 (Р<0.05-0.01).

Study of speed-strength qualities that were assessed by the height of jumping, showed a significant increase in all age groups (Р<0.01-0.001). Aerobic endurance (1,000 m race) significantly increased in all age periods (Р<0.001). Based on the foregoing, we can make a conclusion about the possibility of the most favorable development of motor abilities in these age periods that are adjusted by means of specialized training. 

Strength endurance indicators of the SRC students significantly changed at the age of 6-7 (Р<0.01-0.001). No change dynamics of these indicators was observed at the age of 8-13 years, and a significant increase of the indicator took place at the age of 14 (Р<0.05). Abdominal strength endurance indicators significantly increased in all age groups after the application of health technologies (Р<0.001-0.05). Coordination abilities of the boys were better than those of the girls. In particular, significant changes were observed in the boys at the age of 6-8 and 10 (Р<0.05-0.01). Spine flexibility significantly changed at the age of 7 and 9-12 (Р<0.001-0.01). Aerobic endurance significantly increased in all age periods (Р<0.001). Strength endurance indicators of the girls significantly increased in all age periods after the health program (Р<0.001-0.05). Speed endurance of the boys significantly increased at the age of 9 and 13-14 years (Р<0.01-0.001). Indicators of coordination abilities of the girls significantly increased at the age of 8, 10 and 12 years (Р<0.01-0.001), and those of the boys – at the age of 7 and 9 (Р<0.01).

Speed-strength indicators of the girls significantly changed after the health technologies application in all age periods (Р<0.001), and those of the boys – at the age of 7-8 (Р<0.001), 10-11 (Р<0.001) and 13-14 years (Р<0.05-0.001). Spine flexibility of the girls significantly increased at the age of 7, 10 and 12 years (Р<0.05-0.01), and that of the boys – at the age of 12 and 14 (Р<0.01-0.001). Speed-strength indicators of the girls significantly increased after the application of health technologies in the age groups of 7, 10-12 and 14 years (Р<0.05-0.001), while those of the boys increased only in the age group of 12 years (Р<0.01). It is obvious that a targeted comprehensive program introduces more effective adjustments into the rates of development of speed-strength qualities of the girls. Aerobic endurance indicators significantly increased both in the boys and the girls in all age periods after the application of the author’s correctional health program (Р<0.001).

Considering the issue of motor activity of children, we should bear in mind that during the postnatal ontogenesis skeletal muscles undergo a series of successive cycles of alternation of growth and differentiation with the formation of the definitive structure with a wide range of metabolic capabilities [1]. The following basic periods of differentiation of skeletal muscles are recorded during postnatal ontogenesis: 5-6, 10-11 and 14-16 years. The differentiation processes are partly controlled by sex hormones as well as the mode of motor activity. Energy mechanisms of muscles develop in children in full agreement with the morphology. First of all, the aerobic energy production mechanism is formed in the prepubertal period, which ensures the realization of the play period, when the most important motor experience is accumulated. Then anaerobic-glycolytic system matures during puberty. The role and importance of the creatine kinase system changes with age [4].

Conclusion. These indicators of physical fitness of boys and girls are, as noted above, heterochronic in view of the ontogenetic aspect. The detected case enables physical education specialists to conduct indicative (stage) supervision over the formation of vital functions and physical development components in children by the presented indicators of the leading qualities. The correctional health program contributed to the effective development of physical qualities. In addition, it helped restore the physiological mechanisms of development of physical qualities with regard to sensitive periods of their formation. Girl's body is more amenable to physical fitness, perhaps due to the greater plasticity of the female body. The effectiveness of the correctional health program was more apparent at the level of physical improvement and recovery compared with morphometric and physiometric indicators of physical development.


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