Comparative assessment of external respiration indicators of pupils of social rehabilitation center and secondary schoolchildren aged 13-14 years
Postgraduate student S.I. Astakhov
Ph.D., Associate Professor A.S. Aminov
Dr.Biol., Associate Professor A.V. Nenasheva
Postgraduate student A.S. Ushakov
Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk
Keywords: external respiration function, pulmonary ventilation function, bronchial permeability, motor activity.
Introduction. A child from a "disadvantaged family" arrives in a children’s home, a boarding school, a social rehabilitation center having physical and mental retardation. Examination of children at an orphanage provides quite a sad picture: 80% have neuropsychiatric pathologies, 42% - delays in mental and speech development, respiratory diseases dominate, and only 2.2% of children are relatively healthy [1].
Of all the body systems the respiration function is the only one that can be significantly developed and improved not only during developmental age but also by means of urgent and cumulative adaptations to physical loads depending on their content, focus, scope and intensity. It can be argued that physical culture means hold one of the leading positions in the system of preventive measures aimed at health correction. It is proved that systematic physical exercise contributes to increasing body’s resilience to impact of adverse social and environmental factors. Along with a higher level of physical fitness optimal emotional background and adequate perception of environmental factors are observed in those actively exercising. Currently, in the content of school physical education program when solving instructional, educational and recreational issues one should focus on the latter. This obliges scholars and practitioners to develop and offer the best options of curricular, extracurricular and independent forms of physical education classes for schoolchildren [4, 5].
In this regard the study of the respiratory system status in children of the social rehabilitation center is an important physiological, medical and social problem. The respiratory system is developed heterochronically and is closely linked to the age-related morphological restructuring and improvement of regulatory mechanisms [2, 3].
The purpose of the study was to analyze the external respiratory system of children from disadvantaged families in order to justify the measures on their rehabilitation using health and fitness technologies.
Materials and methods. Boys and girls of 13-14 years of age (n=109) were studied. The adolescents of the social rehabilitation center were engaged in a variety of sports (swimming, volleyball, basketball, football, athletics, skiing) throughout the examination period. They also went to training camps twice a year. The control group consisted of adolescents with normal and increased motor activity. External respiration was conducted using the “Eton” device [6].
Results and discussion. As seen from Table 1, intergroup differences of boys increase at this age, especially in terms of bronchial permeability. Bronchial permeability state indicator is twice higher than that of the boys from the municipal educational institution. The value of 4 to 6 indicates starting, minor violations of bronchial permeability. In general, pulmonary ventilation function of the 13-14 year old boys from the social rehabilitation center is reduced, that resulting in reduced breathing capacity and respiratory minute volume that are not compensated by higher breathing rate. The ratio of forced inspiratory vital capacity (FVCinsp) in 1 second to inspiratory vital capacity (VCinsp) is violated. Moreover, the Tiffeneau and Gaensler indices are reduced, which suggests the presence of bronchial obstruction that has not yet reached clinical values. International recommendations indicate that isolated reduction of FEV1/FVC to less than 70% clearly indicates bronchial obstruction. Proper compensation in this period is confirmed by the absence of an apparent pathology and significant intergroup percentage differences from the proper level.
Study of the external respiration system of the girls of 13-14 years of age showed (Table 2) that bronchial permeability state indicator in the model value was 3.28±0.04 c.u., which corresponds to a range of minor violations of bronchial permeability. 48.26% were within the norm, 29.65% - within relative norm, 22.9% had minor violations of bronchial permeability. Breathing rate of young females was significantly lower than control data (Р<0.05), breathing capacity was close to the adult level and reached 0.54±0.02 l.
Table 1. Comparative assessment of external respiration system indicators of male adolescents of 13-14 years of age from social rehabilitation center and general school (М±m)
Indicators |
Social rehabilitation center (SRC) (n=28) |
Municipal educational institution general school (MEI GS) № 78 (n=27) |
% of SRC norm |
% of MEI GS norm |
Bronchial permeability state indicator |
4.06±0.60 |
2.16±0.57* |
VCinsp (Inspiratory vital capacity), l |
2.76±0.14 |
3.45±0.77 |
88.33±2.66 |
86.52±1.57 |
VCexp (Expiratory vital capacity), l |
2.76±0.18 |
3.60±0.83 |
91.43±2.87 |
89.42±1.40 |
BR (Breathing rate), 1/min |
26.27±1.32 |
20.74±2.29* |
RC (Respiratory capacity), l |
0.34±0.03 |
0.61±0.20 |
RMV (Respiratory minute volume), l |
8.74±0.56 |
11.72±0.64** |
IRV (Inspiratory reserve volume), l |
1.53±0.05 |
1.64±0.17 |
ERV (Expiratory reserve volume), l |
0.90±0.11 |
1.36±0.55 |
Capacity, l |
1.87±0.07 |
2.25±0.31 |
FVC, l |
2.77±0.14 |
3.48±0.78 |
92.58±2.18 |
89.76±1.68 |
FEV in 0.5 seconds, l |
1.59±0.02 |
2.10±0.28 |
84.71±2.18 |
86.60±1.81 |
FEV in 1 second, l |
2.14±0.24 |
3.07±0.51 |
91.77±1.97 |
88.03±1.59 |
FEV in 1 second / VCexp,% |
79.98±0.53 |
87.01±1.78*** |
98.76±1.97 |
101.96±3.61 |
FEV in 1 second / FVC,% |
76.85±0.44 |
89.84±1.81*** |
99.40±1.80 |
98.40±1.33 |
PEF (Peak expiratory flow), l/s |
4.58±0.07 |
5.73±0.56* |
79.04±2.09 |
84.34±2.39 |
FEF (Forced expiratory flow) at 25% (MEF25), l/s |
4.16±0.10 |
5.22±0.58 |
82.20±2.54 |
86.59±2.26 |
FEF at 50% (MEF50), l/s |
3.34±0.10 |
4.15±0.48 |
95.65±4.91 |
92.23±3.30 |
FEF at 75% (MEF75), l/s |
1.96±0.09 |
2.40±0.70 |
114.53±8.86 |
99.27±7.24 |
MEF25-75, l/s |
3.08±0.08 |
3.80±0.60 |
101.33±5.70 |
96.10±3.73 |
MEF50/FVCexp,% |
126.23±1.34 |
125.03±2.59 |
99.49±5.24 |
249.87±85.47 |
MEF50/VCexp,% |
133.88±4.37 |
120.97±2.73* |
96.74±7.20 |
93.84±4.27 |
FVCinsp, l |
2.69±0.16 |
3.31±0.85 |
91.30±2.36 |
85.77±2.42 |
FVCinsp in 1 second, l |
1.92±0.19 |
1.41±1.13 |
FVCexp in 1 second/VCinsp, % |
77.77±1.98 |
90.88±2.00*** |
PIF (Peak inspiratory flow), l/s |
3.09±0.18 |
3.96±0.73 |
82.96±5.13 |
89.08±3.57 |
MIF50, l/s |
2.95±0.18 |
3.68±0.73 |
84.23±6.07 |
88.69±4.02 |
MVV (Maximal voluntary ventilation), l/min |
78.03±2.73 |
100.36±3.75*** |
Significance of differences between groups: * - Р<0.05; ** - Р<0.01; *** - Р<0.05
Table 2. Comparative assessment of external respiration system indicators of female adolescents aged 13-14 years from social rehabilitation center and general school (М±m)
Indicators |
Social rehabilitation center (SRC) (n=26) |
Municipal educational institution general school (MEI GS) № 78 (n=28) |
% of SRC norm |
% of MEI GS norm |
Bronchial permeability state indicator |
3.28±0.04 |
2.46±0.98 |
VCinsp, l |
3.00±0.02 |
2.42±0.50 |
83.71±3.88 |
88.36±2.04 |
VCexp, l |
3.16±0.02 |
2.56±0.44 |
87.78±3.80 |
90.36±2.01 |
BR, 1/min |
15.82±0.44 |
21.44±2.20** |
RC, l |
0.54±0.02 |
0.53±0.10 |
RMV, l |
8.15±0.11 |
11.46±1.68 |
IRV, l |
1.53±0.02 |
1.26±0.37 |
ERV, l |
1.09±0.01 |
0.77±0.28 |
Capacity, l |
2.06±0.02 |
1.79±0.37 |
FVC, l |
3.10±0.02 |
2.45±0.39 |
88.16±3.48 |
89.64±1.48 |
FEV in 0.5 seconds, l |
1.10±0.04 |
1.60±0.25 |
72.82±3.39 |
79.99±1.79 |
FEV in 1 second, l |
2.45±0.03 |
2.28±0.40 |
84.67±2.67 |
87.51±1.97 |
FEV in 1 second / VCexp,% |
77.63±0.74 |
90.36±1.02*** |
97.74±2.73 |
97.26±1.47 |
FEV in 1 second /FVC,% |
79.05±0.57 |
93.34±1.40*** |
98.92±1.89 |
101.10±1.50 |
PEF, l/s |
3.52±0.02 |
4.74±0.63 |
77.12±3.16 |
83.95±2.40 |
FEF at 75% (MEF25), l/s |
3.11±0.09 |
4.50±0.74 |
82.31±3.87 |
89.78±2.41 |
FEF at 50% (MEF50), l/s |
3.35±0.03 |
3.37±0.59 |
98.45±2.26 |
95.77±3.61 |
FEF at 25% (MEF75), l/s |
1.97±0.08 |
1.92±0.52 |
114.38±5.50 |
106.90±4.93 |
MEF25-75, l/s |
2.95±0.07 |
3.16±0.60 |
102.07±3.02 |
98.11±3.69 |
MEF50/FVCexp,% |
108.27±0.72 |
140.88±4.83*** |
107.53±5.01 |
100.29±3.60 |
MEF50/VCexp,% |
106.17±0.22 |
137.39±2.76*** |
102.80±6.16 |
92.97±3.70 |
FVCinsp, l |
2.99±0.02 |
2.32±0.49 |
84.48±3.81 |
85.91±2.43 |
FVCinsp in 1 second, l |
1.21±0.19 |
2.10±0.43 |
FVCexp in 1 second/ VCinsp, % |
81.99±1.16 |
96.08±2.45*** |
PEF, l/s |
2.38±0.07 |
3.72±0.80 |
79.84±4.52 |
82.34±5.30 |
MIF50, l/s |
2.26±0.07 |
3.44±0.81 |
81.36±5.02 |
81.95±5.40 |
MVV, l/min |
73.21±2.32 |
70.98±3.20 |
No percentage deviations from the due values were found in the girls from the social rehabilitation center aged 13-14 years. No differences in the pulmonary ventilation functions were recorded. Differences relate only to the ratio values, in particular, reduction in FEV1/VCexp (Tiffeneau index), FEV1/FVCexp (Gaensler index), FEV1/VCinsp and MIF50 to VC and FVC. The difference between these parameters from those in the control group suggests the “risk of obstruction” or the presence of hidden compensated obstructive disorders.
Conclusion. The findings of the present study confirm the need to study the state of the respiratory system in order to assess the functional capacities of the system in children, as well as for early detection of preclinical changes in the bronchial obstruction, risk factors and development of pathologies. Indicators of external respiration of students of the social rehabilitation center under the influence of health and fitness technologies did not differ significantly in most of the indicators from the CG data (adolescents with normal and increased motor activity).
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