Assessment of anoxia and vestibular tolerance in children and adolescents from social rehabilitation cente
Ph.D., Associate Professor A.S. Aminov
Dr.Biol., Associate Professor A.V. Nenasheva
Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk
Keywords: functional tests, anoxia tolerance, vestibular tolerance, health-improving intervention programs.
Introduction. The study of the problem of the functional state of the respiratory system in a variety of living conditions of children and adolescents is among the leading ones in developmental physiology. Its solution would help understand the child's body adaptation to ever changing conditions of the internal and external environment, compensatory reactions and functional reorganization associated with the development and age of the body [1, 4]. Statokinetic stability is another informative indicator of the functional status of the systems of regulation of motor functions, resistance to aerial sickness. There is evidence of indirect influence of statokinetic stability on mental activity [2]. The study of the impact of different volumes of motor activity on the vestibular tolerance is of considerable theoretical interest and great practical importance, which is associated with the intensification of the educational process in innovative educational institutions, and a decreased motor activity of children and adolescents.
Materials and methods. 6-14-year-old children and adolescents of the Social Rehabilitation Center of Kurchatov district of Chelyabinsk were involved in the study. A total of 165 girls and 131 boys took part in the experiment. To estimate the anoxia tolerance in the children we used one of the integral indices, reflecting not only the functional state of cardiorespiratory system, but also the state of the autonomic nervous system - the timed inspiratory and timed expiratory capacity - Stange’s test and Genche’s test. The degree of static equilibrium was estimated by the value of the mean amplitude of oscillations of the common center of gravity of the body in the sagittal and frontal planes and by the time of stability in the Romberg's test.
Dynamic equilibrium was characterized by the rate of deviation from the straight line when walking the 15 m distance with the eyes closed.
Results and discussion. The duration of breath holding in children and adolescents is short, as they have very fast metabolism, high oxygen demand and maladjustment to anaerobic conditions. The degree of oxyhemoglobin in their blood reduces quickly, and once its content in the blood reaches 90-92%, breath holding is terminated. The timed inspiratory capacity (Stange’s test) at the age of 7-11 years is about 20-40 sec, and the timed expiratory capacity (Genche’s test) is 15-20 sec. Moderate tolerance is treated as the manifestation of functional insufficiency or excessive activity of neuroreflectory regulation of the oxygen-transport function. The physiological basis of high anoxia tolerance are homeostatic mechanisms that ensure a high level of physical working capacity, including good functioning of the oxygen-transport system, which is determined by bradypnoea, relative bradycardia, hypokinetic circulation.
Anoxia tolerance, vestibular tolerance and the impact of the health-improving intervention program on the pupils of SRC are presented in Table 1. The Stange’s and Genche’s test indices increased statistically significantly in all age periods (P<0.001). Vestibular tolerance was determined using the Romberg's test and by walking in a straight line. There were statistically significant differences in the Romberg's test indices between the girls of all age groups (P<0.05-0.001). There were also significant changes in all age groups (P<0.05-0.001) while walking in a straight line veering to the left. In the boys the Stange's test indices changed in the same way as in the girls. We observed a significant increase in all age groups (P<0.001), and the Genche's test indices changed significantly at the age of 7-10 years (P<0.05-0.001), 12-14 years (P<0.001-0.05). Among the 6-10-year-old children it was the girls who dominated first, followed by the boys. In the Romberg's test to determine vestibular tolerance the boys' indices exceeded those of the girls. There were significant differences in all age groups (P<0.001). While walking in a straight line veering to the left, the changes were observed at the age of 6-7 years (P<0.05-0.01), 9-11 years (P<0.05-0.001), 13-14 years (P<0.01-0.001), and veering to the right - at the age of 6-7 years (P<0.05-0.001), 10-11 years (P<0.05) and 14 years (P<0.05).
It is rather well known that exercises help optimize breathing thanks to training and more efficient operation of afferent systems, respiratory center and efferent pathways. It has been established that the respiratory minute volume during exercise is increased not via blood gas abnormalities, but due to receptors of the locomotor system and provides invariance of respiratory variables with respect to disturbances.
Table 1. Anoxia and vestibular tolerance indices in 6-14-year-old pupils of SRC
Stange’s test (sec) |
Genche’s test (sec) |
Romberg's test (sec) |
Walking in a straight line |
veering to the left |
veering to the right |
6 years (girls n=18) when entering the Social Rehabilitation Center |
M±m |
22,17±0,63 |
16,61±0,36 |
9,39±0,95 |
17,67±0,77 |
10,61±0,64 |
One year after implementation of the author's program |
M±m |
27,64±0,41*** |
18,94±0,19*** |
12,34±0,48* |
14,23±0,53** |
9,84±0,28 |
7 years (girls n=19) when entering the Social Rehabilitation Center |
M±m |
17,89±0,60 |
16,63±0,34 |
11,66±0,77 |
13,16±0,62 |
12,95±0,49 |
One year after implementation of the author's program |
M±m |
29,51±0,32*** |
19,68±0,29*** |
14,89±0,27*** |
11,20±0,38** |
10,36±0,22*** |
8 years (girls n=18) when entering the Social Rehabilitation Center |
M±m |
22,33±0,73 |
19,28±0,51 |
10,55±0,13 |
9,33±0,67 |
9,50±0,53 |
One year after implementation of the author's program |
M±m |
35,24±0,21*** |
23,01±0,33*** |
15,23±0,26*** |
8,17±0,22 |
8,09±0,26* |
9 years (girls n=18) when entering the Social Rehabilitation Center |
M±m |
22,39±0,60 |
22,11±0,93 |
14,22±0,20 |
9,89±0,73 |
8,44±0,60 |
One year after implementation of the author's program |
M±m |
40,20±0,37*** |
25,01±0,22** |
19,01±0,26*** |
7,68±0,22** |
6,23±0,24** |
10 years (girls n=18) when entering the Social Rehabilitation Center |
M±m |
32,72±0,67 |
18,89±0,20 |
18,78±0,20 |
7,05±0,33 |
10,00±0,66 |
One year after implementation of the author's program |
M±m |
46,12±0,28*** |
22,61±0,33*** |
25,91±0,24*** |
3,20±0,30*** |
6,74±0,27*** |
11 years (girls n=19) when entering the Social Rehabilitation Center |
M±m |
29,79±0,75 |
18,79±0,28 |
18,47±0,53 |
10,37±0,92 |
14,31±0,77 |
One year after implementation of the author's program |
M±m |
42,64±0,44*** |
20,98±0,34*** |
25,30±0,50*** |
6,84±0,27** |
10,01±0,31** |
12 years (girls n=20) when entering the Social Rehabilitation Center |
M±m |
22,10±0,59 |
20,75±0,53 |
19,25±0,35 |
7,90±0,59 |
6,35±0,29 |
One year after implementation of the author's program |
M±m |
46,24±0,23*** |
24,86±0,46*** |
26,63±0,47*** |
3,52±0,18*** |
3,02±0,35*** |
13 years (girls n=17) when entering the Social Rehabilitation Center |
M±m |
23,47±0,46 |
24,53±0,95 |
22,41±0,60 |
9,76±0,81 |
4,72±0,30 |
One year after implementation of the author's program |
M±m |
47,98±0,29*** |
22,32±0,45* |
28,03±0,30*** |
6,36±0,32*** |
3,53±0,11** |
14 years (girls n=18) when entering the Social Rehabilitation Center |
M±m |
25,11±0,87 |
18,05±0,66 |
20,55±0,67 |
6,22±0,27 |
5,81±0,25 |
One year after implementation of the author's program |
M±m |
48,72±0,38*** |
25,60±0,28*** |
24,82±0,46*** |
4,5±0,73* |
7,33±0,20*** |
Note: significance of differences before and after implementation of the health-improving intervention program: * – Р<0.05; ** – Р<0.01; *** – Р<0.001
In addition, the correctional health program contributes to normalization of the psychological condition of the child, deenergizes, facilitates optimization of inhibitory processes.
Compared to the standard values [3, 5], the indices of the static and dynamic equilibrium in the children from the SRC decreased. Lowered vestibular tolerance was accompanied by the deterioration in the functional status and malfunction. The statokinetic stability indices were significantly higher in the 8-9-year-old and 11-14-year-old girls engaged in the health-improving program (P<0.001-0.01), and in the boys aged 7-11 and 13-14 years (P<0.05-0.001 ). Vestibular tolerance increases most notably during the period from 8 to 13-14 years old. At this age the motor and sensory systems develop rapidly, and the ability to differentiate the range of motion increases. It is important to use this period of morphosis to improve motor coordination, train the vestibular system, master static and dynamic equilibrium, develop complex motor skills.
Therefore, the physiological laws of the organism development (physical development, physical fitness, statokinetic stability, etc.), including adaptive potential, are preserved in those children who enter the SRC. Deviations occur only when there is a decrease in the quantitative indicators. Consequently, children of this group have prospects for further rehabilitation by means of the health promoting technologies.
Conclusion. After the implementation of the health promoting technologies (aerobic exercises, outdoor games, massage, tempering, sauna, etc.) the studied indices increased respectively in all age groups. The research results reaffirmed the effectiveness of health-improving measures. The findings allow for the conclusion that the integrated program of improvement and correction of mental, functional and physical development has a favorable effect on the children from the SRC at all age periods.
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