Comparative ontokinesiological analysis of consolidated sociogram and cycling sportsgram


M.M. Kovylin


Comparative ontokinesiological analysis of consolidated sociogram and cycling sportsgram
M.M. Kovylin, honored trainer of Russia, associate professor, Ph.D., pro-rector for social training, development of sport and external relations. Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism (SCOLIPC), Moscow
Key words: ontokinesiological analysis, consolidated sociogram, cycling sportsgram, sportization mechanism.
The purpose of the present research was a comparative ontokinesiological analysis of the consolidated sociogram and cycling sportsgram.
The conducted comparative analysis has revealed the difference between the consolidated sociogram and cycling sportsgram, that can be shown in the following conclusions:
By its contents the consolidated sociogram and cycling sportsgram are rather comparable, but not fully compatible by the volume, specifically not fully correlated in volume. So it is inappropriate to judge which one is better in realization of goals and tasks, since these goals and tasks differ partially, but essentially. While realizing the project of creation of the system of overall and continuous physical education based on the consolidated sociogram sportsgram performs the role of additional purpose-setting and selective subject correction, their mutual comparison promotes limited inclusion of cycling (or any other) sport in the state educational standard on physical culture. In its transformed and already not sports but physical form the core, the set of specific for cycling motor actions realizes two tasks at a time: firstly, forms, masters and saves integrated individual health on each stage of human ontogenesis; secondly, creates mass social reserve for elite sport. In this very form sportization must have serious chances of being a mechanism of system physical education, conversing and adapting sports training-educative technologies;
Nevertheless, it is clearing up regarding the ontokinesiological basics of the process of sportization but not with the psychological and pedagogical one. The educative role of sport (specifically, cycling) requires additional psychological and pedagogical investigation, without which sport can not be considered as a basic and even variative component of State educational standard on physical culture.
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