V International Olympiad of students specializing in «Physical Education» in Southern Federal University



Associate professor, Ph.D. T.A. Stepanova
Associate professor, Ph.D. V.A. Shpakova
E.A. Vashchenko
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don

Olympiad in Physical Education for students is a sports event intended to develop mass university sport and promote healthy lifestyles. It is held in order to promote scientific knowledge and development of interest of university students in research and teaching in the field of physical culture and sport, to create the necessary conditions for the identification and support of talented young people, intensification of operation of scientific circles, sports sections, as well as networking between federal universities and other higher educational institutions in Russia and abroad for the benefit of the creative, intellectual cooperation, promotion of scientific advance in the field of physical culture, sport and health of the population in the current environment.

Keywords: Southern Federal University, university sport, gifted young people, cooperation, scientific achievements in the field of physical culture and sport, professional competence.


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  2. Olimpiyskiy uchebnik studenta: ucheb. posobie dlya olimpiyskogo obrazovaniya v vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyakh (Student’s Olympic textbook: study guide for Olympic education in higher educational institutions) / V.S. Rodichenko et al.; Russian Olympic Committee. – 10th ed., rev. and sup. – Moscow: Sovetskiy sport, 2012. – 136 P.: il.