Efficiency of fitness classes in children’s rehabilitation center



Dr.Med. A.A. Akatova
Ph.D. T.V. Abyzova
Ph.D. E.V. Starkova
Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Perm

The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of the impact of step aerobics classes on the physical condition and the respiratory function of children with allergic rhinitis (AR) in a rehabilitation center. The inclusion of step aerobics classes in the complex treatment of children with allergic rhinitis improves nasal patency by 1,3 times, restores the respiratory function in medium and small bronchi by 1.2 times, which contributes to an increase of the oxygenation of the body. It has been established that step aerobics classes increase the level of physical fitness of children with allergic rhinitis, which is seen in the increase of hand muscle strength by 1.5 times, abdominal muscles by 2.5 times and is an integrative indicator of the functional state of the muscular system. Against the backdrop of regular step aerobics classes children with allergic rhinitis have the adaptive capabilities of their cardiorespiratory system increased and the tolerance to hypoxia improved by 1.5 times.

Keywords: physical fitness, children, adaptive capabilities, fitness.


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