Model indices of strength abilities of female futsal players
Associate professor, Ph.D. E.V. Kudryashov
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Per
Success in any kind of sports specialization is directly related with the level of physical fitness. Sports games also require from an athlete an appropriate level of development of various physical qualities. The requirements for sports training, for the indicators of the level of strength qualities, building-up of physique for effective competitive performance, for resistance to fatigue, more effective recovery after today’s maximal loads on the human body are always growing.
According to many experts in the field of physical culture and sport, stregth qualities are key in many sports. Sports games are not an exception in this aspect, in which comprehensive display of strength qualities is required to ensure an optimal balance between strength, sports technique and tactics, functional capabilities of the body and other components of the long-term process of sports perfection. In this regard, there is a need to design the parameters of development of strength qualities, which should be highlighted when organizing a training process. Due to the relevance of the issue of the detailed analysis and poor studies of the problem in question, the experimental studies regarding obtaining the model characteristics of strength qualities are essential for sports theory and practice. Special attention should be paid to the matter of quantification of strength skills indicators of female athletes. The present article is devoted to the study of the matters of strength skills of female athletes specializing in futsal. An attempt was made to specify practical recommendations on the organization of the management and control systems and other problems related to training of female athletes.
Keywords: model, indices, strength, fitness, female athlete, futsal.
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