Analysis of competitive performance of professional teams in training of group interactions of football players aged 16-17 years
Professor, Dr.Hab. V.M. Shulyat’ev
Postgraduate student A.D. Dugbley
Russian Peoples’ Friendship University, Moscow
Training of groups interactions on the basis of a comparative analysis of competitive performance of professional teams contributed to an increase of the level of compliance of training means in the course of training of football players aged 16 - 17 years with the playing conditions of competition activity of skilled football players and use it to expand the range and improve the quality of group interactions of junior players.
Thanks to the findings of the comparative analysis of the competitive performance of skilled football players of the Russian Premier League (RPL) and the English Football League (EFL), the motor tasks in the test exercises were brought to the parameters of the competitive confrontation of top-level players of European teams and the level of compliance of means applied in the training process of junior football players was increased.
Keywords: group interactions training, technical and tactical training, analysis of competitive performance of professional teams, technical skills, physical fitness.
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