Efficiency of pedagogical support of junior preschoolers’ motor activity



Professor, Dr.Hab. L.N. Voloshina
Professor, Dr.Hab. V.L. Kondakov
Belgorod State National Research University (NIU “BelGU”), Belgorod

The article deals with the problem of optimization of motor activity for junior preschoolers. The concept of «pedagogical support of motor activity» is considered, the results of the study of physical qualities, motor activity are stipulated, the dynamics of these indicators during the formative phase of the experimental work on the implementation of the model of pedagogical maintenance of physical activity are analyzed.
The authors managed to identify a significant advantage in the growth of motor qualities in children of the experimental group. In addition, a statistically significant relationship between the amount of motor activity of preschoolers and development of motor qualities such as strength, speed-strength and coordination was detected.

Keywords: motor activity, physical quality, optimization, pedagogical support, junior preschoolers.


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