Optimization of planning of technical training in annual cycle in training groups (case study of single figure skaters)



Candidate O.V. Kudryavtseva1
Professor, Dr.Biol. V.S. Belyaev2
Associate professor, Ph.D. M.V. Solovykh1
Associate professor, Ph.D. M.A. Kaymin1
Associate professor, Ph.D. M.V. Savin1
1Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
2Moscow Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Moscow

The purpose of the research was to study the system of planning of technical training of athletes of the second year of training in the annual cycle in the training phase in singles figure skating. This phase was selected due to its value in the sports formation, since it is a basic phase in sports training. It is in this phase when the foundations of competitive technical elements are laid, and their high-quality development will determine the future success of athletes. 40 figure-skaters were involved in the experiment (control group (CG) and experimental (EG) groups, 20 people each). Although all types of training were analyzed, during which the indicators of motor density of sessions, load volume and intensity were measured, the focus was on technical training, on the identification of its quality via studying parameters of competitive activity (skates scores and reliability of performance of competition elements in free skating). The authors of the study relied upon the study of theoretical and methodical literature, pedagogical observations, educational experiment data, mathematical-statistical processing and analysis of results. The introduction of an experimental program in which a specific order of inter-compatible microcycles is suggested, had a positive impact on the competitive performance of figure skaters. The reseachers highlight the importance of planning and aim to study its basic parameters, specific for figure skating with the experimental data. Based on the results of the experiment, the authors conclude that changes should be made to the structure of planning of technical training of figure skaters to improve sports performance and success of the training process. Actions related to planning of sports training of figure skaters of the 2nd year of training at the training phase should be made by coaching and teaching staff with regard to the orientation on the proposed parameters and guidelines of the experimental data.

Keywords: sports training, training groups, planning system, annual cycle, professional figure-skaters.


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