New methods to improve quality of physical culture education of schoolchildren



Associate professor, Ph.D. A.S. Lopukhina1
Professor, Dr.Biol. V.S. Belyaev2
1Vologda State University, Vologda
2Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow

The matter of innovative organization of the educational process on the subject of «Physical Education» through the inclusion in the learning activity of the subjects of project activities is considered in the paper. The aim of project activity is to create a new learning environment on the subject «Physical Education» for schoolchildren. It is based on the active involvement of pupils into the learning practice that helps diversify the educational information about the subject. Structural elements of the educational activity have their own specific learning objectives, and you must learn how to plan your work. Project activity helps with this, as on every step of the learning activity it contributes to formation of pupils’ independence regarding special scientific theoretical knowledge assimilation, that improve the quality of their physical culture education.

Keywords: physical culture education, project activity, criteria-based assessment.


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