Health promotion as key vector of pedagogical control in physical education of students
Ph.D. T.G. Efremova
Ph.D. M.N. Shkurpit
Associate professor, Ph.D. T.P. Verina
Professor, Ph.D. V.M. Barshay
Academy of Physical Culture and Sport of Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
The article deals with the main components of pedagogical control, determining the effectiveness of health promotion in the course of physical education. In compliance with the designed model goal sets, informative features, tools and methods of implementation of different kinds of pedagogical control are summarized. There were adduced the data of the rapid assessment of health and physical fitness of students of Southern Federal University; indicators of intensity of physical load at classes of various kinds; scales for relative assessment of individual dynamics of physical fitness of students with low levels of physical fitness were calculated; the evaluation criteria of progress in studies of students on the subject «Physical Education» were presented. The elaborated in the study methodological and substantive aspects of the pedagogical control make it possible to plan the content of classes with regard to health status, level of physical and motor fitness, to use advanced technologies of control of physical loads and apply fully objective methods of evaluation of students’ progress.
Keywords: pedagogical control, health status assessment, physical fitness level, intensity of physical load.
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