Effect of mas-wrestling classes on physical development indices
Ph.D. M.I. Borokhin
A.V. Cherkashin
Associate professor, Ph.D. I.I. Baishev
Professor, Dr.Hab. I.I. Portnyagin
Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk
One of the most popular sports in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - mas-wrestling is described in the article. Sports-centered approach focused on the use of the traditional sport of indigenous peoples of Yakutia - mas-wrestling along with conventional physical exercises during claases helps settle the tasks of improvement of the process of physical education of students of North-Eastern Federal University.
The purpose of the study was to consider the impact of mas-wrestling classes on the indices of physical development of students. Two groups of 20 persons were randomly selected for the experimental research of the effect of mas-wrestling classes on the indices of physical development of 1st-year students of North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov. The control group was engaged in physical education classes, while the experimental group - in mas-wrestling and conventional exercises. Both groups trained twice a week. When estimating the nature of changes in strength indices, it has been established that the strength of the right hand of the students of the experimental group has increased significantly throughout the study compared to the control group. Similar changes occurred in terms of the left hand. The back strength index in the experimental group has increased more throughout the study period as compared to the control group. The results of the educational experiment have confirmed the efficiency of the developed technique of physical training of university students, which resulted in the achievement of higher indices under study among the subjects of the experimental group. The experimental group was ahead based on the final significant intergroup differences.
Keywords: mas-wrestling, physical education, development, strength exercises.
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