Experience of healthy lifestyle formation among young people during organizational and educational games in context of developing the pedagogics of mental and action approach



Associate professor, Ph.D. E.S. Sadovnikov
Assistant O.A. Popandopulo
Volgograd State University, Volgograd

In this paper the researchers consider the possibility of using organizational and educational games (OEG) in the formation of a healthy lifestyle (HLS) of young people. A system of OEG has been developed and tested. It includes eight phases: problematization; warm-up, self-determination, self-organization, communication, discussion, projecting, results. Thanks to using OEG in the learning process the health developing (projective-reflective) mindset, that enhances an increase of the level of formation of healthy lifestyle, was formed in the young people.

Keywords: healthy lifestyle, pedagogics of mental and action approach, organizational and educational games, health and fitness activities, projective-reflective mindset.


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