Integral characteristics of competitive reliability of junior athletes
V.Yu. Alekseev1, 3, V.V. Markelov2, 3
1 Postgraduate student
2 Dr.Hab., Ph.D., professor
3 Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Perm
As noted by researchers of individual's success in sport, in sports activity independence, social boldness, strength of motivation to achieve group goals are based on such an athlete's mental quality as reliability. Therefore, specific provisions of the theory of sports training, planning of training sessions, implementation of advanced, innovative technologies of sports training and mathematical modeling used to design the theory of training of athletes had to be changed due to the objective reasons for increasing the reliability of sports activity. The identified conditions impose strict requirements to athletes’ competitive fitness level, which makes it relevant to find science-based ways to optimize their sports training.
The purpose of the study was to determine the competitive reliability of athletes in adolescence, and to elaborate recommendations for the development and formation of reliability in the educational system.
The important components of the factor structure of competitive reliability of junior athletes from different in specifics sports are stipulated in the paper. Universal determinants of reliability of competitive activity were determined by identifying the components common with the performance of professional athletes.
Keywords: reliability, competitive reliability, competitive activity, individuality, diagnosis, factor structure.
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