Reaction to moving object as qualification criterion for team sports classes
M.M. Polevshchikov1, 4, N.I. Palagina2, 4, V.V. Rozhentsov3, 5
1 Ph.D., professor
2 Ph.D., associate professor
3 Dr.Sc.Tech., professor
4 Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola
5 Volga Region State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola
According to S.V. Golomazova, when studying quality of performance of motor acts, it is most important, but at the same time most difficult to find a clear, specific indicators that may serve as efficiency criteria. From this standpoint, it is most convenient and appropriate to use as criteria performance accuracy indices. In team sports an athlete needs to quickly estimate competitive situations, make appropriate decisions and technical skills when performing motor actions. The efficiency of motor actions depends on motor capacities stipulated by the speed and accuracy of movements, which refers to the accuracy of spatial, temporal, and strength characteristics of movement.
The article presents the results of the study, which aimed at development of criteria of accuracy of motor actions to qualify athletes for team sports.
The method for qualification for team sports classes by analyzing the results of testing the reaction to a moving object is presented in the paper. The method was tested on a group of 15 subjects, adolescents aged 8 years - pupils of the Children's and Youth sports school. Based on the tests' results team sports classes were recommended for four subjects.
Keywords: sports, team sports, qualification, reaction to moving object.
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