Fragmented nature of physical culture of Saratov province in pre-revolutionary Russia
E.M. Larina1, 2
1 Ph.D., associate professor
2 Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov, Saratov
The status of physical culture in educational institutions of pre-revolutionary Saratov was registered in the archives of documents of management and record keeping of a number of local educational institutions. The chronicle of sports life of the city and the province was covered in the pre-revolutionary periodicals "Saratovskiy vestnik", "Saratovskiy dnevnik" and "Saratovskiy listok", which are considered in the context of its general state in the Russian Empire.
The purpose of the present study was to examine the situation with physical education in educational institutions of pre-revolutionary Saratov, the cost of gym equipment, the salaries of gymnastics teachers, etc., and its subject of the present - the history of formation and development of teaching of physical education in educational institutions of Saratov province, which is considered in the context of its overall status in the Russian Empire.
Keywords: physical culture, province, public schools, training, gymnastics, teachers' seminaries.
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